Ich Wiill auch mal gewinnen
…was Größeres als eine CD, meine ich, also mach ich mal bei diesem Weihnachts-Gewinnspiel vom Gutschein-Blog mit und verlinke natürlich qua Teilnahmebedingungen auf deren Seite mit dem Simyo-Gutschein. Okay, das ist Werbung, aber was soll’s. Ich telefoniere ja sogar selber über Simyo. (Hoppla, noch mehr Werbung…)
Also, dann mal sehen, ob das Christkind noch Überstunden macht (bei einem Teilnahmeschluss an Heiligabend Abend kann ein Gewinn ja nicht pünktlich zur Bescherung da sein) und mir die Wii bringt – oder den alternativen Preis eines ipod Touch, der verlost wird, wenn mehr als 50 Leute mitmachen. Höher als beim Lotto werden die Chancen ja sein.
Who may fill his shopping cart?
Bild, the big German tabloid, claims that they – or rather the winner of a system playing ticket they had given away – have hit the 43 million lotto jackpot. Well, the whole frenzy has to end some time.
With some fantasy, you can see a stylized shopping cart in the alignment of the drawn numbers (9, 10, 24, 28, 39, 42, without additional number 33 – and without guarantee) (see image) – well, that one won’t be enough for the lucky winner for sure…
World Aids Day
Today is World Aids Day… since I didn’t have much time to write a lot about it myself, I’ll just quickly link to
- weltaidstag.eu and welt-aids-tag.de as well as the English Wikipedia article about Aids;
- other bloggers’ posts (German): Goggiblog, JUST4FUN #1 and #2, 49suns, Das blonde Alien;
- and as a special treat, the song “Say It’s Not True” by Queen + Paul Rodgers which can be downloaded for free here (specifying your name and e-mail address for the Q+PR mailing list) – in a brand new studio version, after the song had been played live 4 years ago at the Nelson Mandela 46664 concert. Its video is supposed to be published today as well.
Christina Aguilera without panties is “in”
The StoiBär (German) already has his fun with people searching for Christina Aguilera without panties on German Google (English search)– his post is already number 2 1 (varying in the Top 5) in the German Google results, and that without any really celebrity gossip relevant content.
So let me add to that – but first, a little hint: If you’re looking for photos, no matter if it’s Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera or someone else without panties, slip or any other kind of underwear, better use the image search than the web search (though for very new events, it may be not that fast)…
You want an image of Christina Aguilera without panties? Completely uncensored? There you are: