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Fiery Pope!

Did good old Karol really appear in a bonfire during a ceremony on his death’s second anniversary (already this April) – and if so, what does he want to tell us with this purgatorial or hellfire look?

(Image from the Daily Mail – see there for larger version)

Or is it a dancing John Travolta? Seemed to me, too…

Was it manipulated (which the photographer apparently denies strictly)? Or is it simply anything you want to interpret into it (see pareidolia)? I’m favoring the latter…

(via Bad Astronomy: “Popeidolia”)

Front door missionaries

This morning, about 10 o’clock, via Heute vormittag ca. 10 Uhr via intercom system, an almost purring-dreamy female voice(*):

“Good day, my name is […]. We found out how much the Holy Scripture means to us…”

My translation, and not necessarily verbatim – I shouldn’t have waited that long with this post… By the way, that was only the second time someone like that rang my doorbell.

“Thank God” that wasn’t at an “ungodly hour”…

(*) Unfortunately not “my (boy)friend Anghela;)

Poll of faith ended – Question of time

My previous little poll (on the right hand side in the sidebar) is now closed after the most important number of 42 participantsTeilnehmern – and among those of my visitors who spotted it and felt like participating, the atheists and agnostics (to combine them roughly) hold a slight majority:

Result of the poll "Do you believe in God?"

From now on, the new poll is online, appropriate for what will be done at the end of this month (yes, this month, some got it wrong at the end of September – don’t worry, I won’t tell any names :pfeif: ):

Do you like the daylight saving time clock change between summer and winter time? Or rather do away with it? But then, what time to keep – rather earlier bright and earlier dark, or later and longer bright?

So turn to the right (just in this browser window, what else did you think? :mrgreen: ) and vote…! :aufgehts:

Predicting Lotto Numbers??

This article only deals with one specific method of pretended lotto prognoses. » Click here for all my articles about lotto

Lotto playing form - photo from Via and (update:) what was, at that time, on, I came across something called “Global Scaling”, a, let’s call it view of the world where everything is said to be connected by a standing wave and that apparently claims that all things big and small can somehow be described with logarithmic scales – or something like that, maybe I didn’t interpret all those pieces of information floating around on the web correctly. The main homepage seems to be (also abbreviated as GS in the following text), the “Institute for Space Energy Research”.

  • When physicists and other scientists research in “free space energy” or things like that, I don’t mind at first, things have to be investigated;
  • When a “cosmic background noise” and logarithmic scales are kinda seen as new “silver bullet” for anything (logarithms not being uncommon in math and physics, anyway), some skepticism is necessary, I think;
  • When “lotto prognosis” is mentioned as one of the fields of application, the whole thing, in my consideration, crashes down to the lowest end on any respectability scale;
  • When they charge money for that, my spontaneous opinion sees that going maybe a little too far towards rip-off or deceit.

Yes, I’ve contemplated whether I should spend much attention to such a dubious “system”, but…

1. …well, let’s have a closer look.

math book (I apologize for this being quite lengthy, but a certain detailedness is necessary. So maybe get yourself a cup of coffee – or go :arrow: directly to the conclusion…))

Quote from, my translation:

How exact is the Lotto prognosis?

The lottery is about the selection of a random sequence of natural (whole) numbers. Because of that, under best preconditions, a lotto prognosis can never be more accurate than ±1.”

This combination of these two sentences, I think, will make the hair of anyone who has ever seen a formula from probability calculus from nearby stand on end. Only with a little heaps of good will – and without knowing the formulae of “Global Scaling” – one could assume that this sentence’s wording is just accidentally a little off, or shortened, simplified too much…

The sentence (in my translation)

“We point out that we give no guarantee for the precision of our lotto prognosis.”

is necessary, of course – if the prognoses were perfect, they already were multiple lotto millionaires and had no need to make the effort to sell their “lotto prognosis”. Anyway, following on that page are a bunch of big numbers, which, the way I read it, boil down to the fact that the more tips you play that do not repeat, the higher your chances to win. Preferably (for GS) with numbers bought from GS, of course…

2. But how good are their prognoses?

Continue Reading »

Who is without sin…

…should reach 0 € with the “Sin Calculator” (German only) and may cast the first stone:

stone-throwing smilies

Or (s)he’s, like me, an atheist – thank God¹ – and doesn’t care about the (of course not quite seriously) calculated sum like e.g. my 707,44 €. But I won’t be able to keep up with Conny, where I found this, anyway. :mrgreen:

¹ from a quote from Bernardo Bertolucci (according to today’s Donaukurier), Luis Buñuel (according to Wikiquote) or whoever else