Category Archives:


Minor category modification

Just a quick note that I’ve extended my category Religion (see the cloud in the sidebar on the right) to Mysticism & Religion because I didn’t like that all that mystic stuff resided under Science, even though that one rather meant Science and Anti-Science; the posts have moved accordingly.

And lest this post becomes too boring – even though the music quiz will start in nearly one hour – a little poem created by Poetron and quickly translated by me:

Farewell to the friend
The lovely one believe.
She may believe and experience!
Alas, mystic, terrible being you,
Why still pray for the ladies?
Eternity drowns,
The proper science believe,
And unkind nonsense poisons the hearts!

Links and Video of the Week (2008/38)

Starting with three LHC links:

And the video How To Read People’s Minds (via Bad Astronomy).

  1. “Teilchen” is not only the German word for “particle”, but also a name for pastries []