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Videos of the Week (2008/29)

Outsourcings from today’s “Links of the Week”, if you will – I don’t plan a regular category like this.

First, we got a cute letter opener:

(via Sebastian Schuster via Blogmachine)

Then there’s just about the coolest thing that Phil Plait has ever seen, as he says: The transit of the Moon in front of the Earth, taken by the EPOXI probe (you get other video formats there, too) from a distance of 50 million kilometers (31 million miles):

Links of the Week (2008/28)

  • German: Der Wissenschaft verpflichtet (Committed to science) – Speech at the German society for internal medicine’s congress in 1997 about scientific medicine and paramedicine. Worth reading if you speak German, but the background color should be forbidden1… (via EsoBlog).
  • PZ Myers about the questionable reactions on “holding a consecrated wafer hostage” – and reactions from readers.
  • 50 remarkable nature wallpapers (via Blogwiese)
  1. or changed, be it with Firebug or by copying the text into an editor []

Links of the Week (2008/26)