My blog defines the universe!


More specifically: the physical constants – here’s an excerpt:

Mass of the sun MS = 1.98892⋅1030 kg
½ blogAge / √spams = 1,98880 — coincidence?
(blog age in days: 797)

Boltzmann constant k = 8.6174 eV/K
½⋅√publicThongWearers = 8.6168 — coincidence??
(see my poll “men in thongs”)

Electron mass me = 0.511 MeV/c²
(Lotto/UriGeller)1,5 = 0.511 — coincidence???
(total page views of posts with corresponding tags)

Speed of light c = 2.99792458⋅108 m/s
Pierre² √David / √(Michael⋅Julia³) = 2.99799005 — coincidence????
(total numbers of comments)

Of course coincidence. That is, applied “Cyclosophy” which is mentioned today on Mathlog (German) (my translation):

Cyclosophy, developed by Dutch astronomer de Jager, was a parody on some physical papers which based scientific ‘theories’ on coincidental similarities of numbers.

Such as measurements of a bike.

And such relationships between nine physical constants and five numbers of your choice can be calculated online at bei, which I just did with a few statistics of my blog. :mrgreen:

Photo: david bautista –

Here Be Dragons!

Or: Video of the week (or the month) that can’t wait until Sunday:

“Here Be Dragons – An Introduction to Critical Thinking”

A freee 40-minute video by Brian Dunning – watch it!

Most people fully accept paranormal and pseudoscientific claims without critique as they are promoted by the mass media. Here Be Dragons offers a toolbox for recognizing and understanding the dangers of pseudoscience, and appreciation for the reality-based benefits offered by real science.

Also available on the homepage in higher quality and even as DVD image.

(via GWUP-Blog)

Links of the Week (2008/45)