Just a writing mistake in a German phrase… can’t really translate that…
If you shake your head, do you lose brain cells?
Another special edition of “replying” to search requests, this time again about mysticism (and thus a little different from the usual)…
For those who don’t know yet: These search phrases, highlighted in grey, led people here, and I neither shortened nor extended them nor made them up, I just translated the German ones.
if you shake your head do you lose brain cells
I think the connection is a different one: If you got to shake your head due to the insanity of some people, e.g. those who consider lawn sprinkler rainbows a government conspiracy with water additives, see the LHC as a world conspiracy to lure satanic Nephilim from the planet Nibiru (German with English video), and many more – then certainly the loss of brain cells is involved.
why are we made believe there are no aliens
Asking this way usually shows that the asking persons tend to believe anything that conspiracy theorists come up with without thinking for themselves – for instance, about the very low possibility of alien visits1 due to the large distance and especially just at this point in time, why such a big event should be held secret at all, how this should work in an excessive bureaucracy with numerous government employees, etc.
what specifications to do black magic to need a girl
I need no black nor white magic to need a girl. Or what do you want – make some gay man love women? But specifications are rather found in datasheets and the like, what does that have to do with magic? Express yourself clearly, man!
Oh, I forget – belief in magic and clear thinking don’t match.
pray away curses with money
That used to be called selling of indulgences; nowadays, there are also several fraudsters who e.g. tell people on the street about cursed relatives or offer stuff like that elsewhere.
pray away with the moon
Now that’s those mystics who combine dubious religiousness with dubious mysticism to achieve the strongest effects. Effects meaning impressing gullible customers and money on their own accounts, that is.
moon calendar permanent wave
Can you still read the calendar properly if its bent in waves?
nostradamus particle accelerator
That’s where his scribblings and especially the stuff that modern fortune-telling crackpots and scaremongers want to interpret into it2 should be put and collided – then they’d have an actual use!
do dragons die if we don’t believe in them anymore?
Does intelligence die if you can’t really believe in it anymore, looking at all these search queries? Hmm, that’s somehow to be feared…
in the show evidence dowsing
In which show? Oh those inexact search terms… Well, never mind, putting “dowsing” and “evidence” in one sentence is only feasible if you say e.g.: “Dowsing is the evidence for the existance of irrational mysticism dreamers.”
lotto through will
Well, without the will to play lotto, you won’t have a chance to win. Or as the advertising already put it: “You can only win if you play!”
numerology what do we have to learn
That numerology is just crap and anyone can arbitrarily fabricate any correlation between letters, numbers and meanings and that this doesn’t get better if you’re uninspiredly taking antique “formulae” instead of taking the effort to come up with some of your own.
Phew, that’s enough for now. In the end, let’s just undress for the healer and let the healer dominatrix know, then we’ll make our astrology porn!
Photo © Jenny Solomon – Fotolia.com
Links and video of the Week (2008/33)
- An insider report from CERN, understandable for everyone, about what the LHC is made for: video of a presentation by Brian Cox (ca. 14 minutes; via Mathlog).
- Probably the most insane stuff conspiracy theory crackpots can fabricate – English video about the LHC as stargate to hell at Astrodicticum Simplex.
- German: Homöopathie, Placebos und Quantenunsinn.
- German Tribute to Metallica – free cover versions by German bands (via Gedankendeponie).
- And a single-handed guitar solo by Marc Playle (via StoiBär):
Red moon with icing
A 300mm lens is (not even with the additional 1.6x crop factor) no telescope, but you can recognize tonight’s partial lunar eclipse:
Just a German blog carnival about the Firefox plugins people are using…