Spam liturgy crouching on Bimini

What are these two spam mails trying to tell us?1

corny melt angelo surtax stink

crouch lim colleague? buoy, mitigate liturgy.
phonic gazelle handwritten melt mammalian liturgy, liturgy
buoy bimini mica gazelle canfield.

genesis softwood corny

boat rough academe? carboloy, phonic academe.
carboloy softwood handwritten softwood surtax umpire, j
carboloy livestock academe scribble intelligentsia.

succession mitigate monologist

umpire academe umpire? mammalian, scribble mammalian.

canfield bimini.


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  1. Other than that I’ll post any rubbish here, that is. ;) []

Manga, 70% straight – or something like that…

On the Blogwiese (German) there are already a great many manga avatar images, I really had to join in:


Created with FaceYourManga.

And while we’re already playing around, we’ll also take the “Gay-O-Meter” test of Channel 4, who apparently consider a 5 pixel high text sufficiently readable:
…and find out that, like Nadine and Nerdcore where I found that, I’m also 30% gay:
30% gay


Projekt 52 week 30: Transience

The topic of week 34 in Sari’s photo Projekt 52:


34: Transience

Week 34: Transience

A radio-controlled clock, about 10 years old, (with long-time exposure to blend the seconds, and a little post-processing to make it look old, of course) with the additional feature of a countdown (or increasing counter), by default set to 1/1/2000 – since then, over 75000 hours or over 3150 days have passed, and there’s even not enough space for displaying the seconds…

Music Quiz 28

Welcome to the latest music quiz – like 2 weeks ago as initial letter riddle: I show the first letters of each word of titles or several lines from the lyrics, and you have to guess title and artist.

If you need examples, check out the quiz from 5 Aug

Here are all 10 right away – if needed, I’ll give hints from time to time (but in German, unless there actually is an English participant)… In case of doubt, I used the lyrics versions from LyricWiki.

Artist / Title







A versatile classic not from any specific artist.

W t s g m i

When the saints go marching in
solved by Pierre



S I s o s I g

The Clash: Should I stay or should I go
solved by Pierre



R y l a h

The Scorpions: Rock you like a hurricane
solved by Pierre







H h r n r, d l m s o t b
D l m s o t s
I s t l, I f t h

L R, C B, B D, F D
H c E, G V, B H a J L

man beachte die Großbuchstaben … denn das sind Namen;
der Titel wird auch in diesen Zeilen genannt;
es hagelt rollende Felsen ;) ← übersetzt das mal (Wort für Wort, aber Reihenfolge anpassen)…
von 1992

Garland Jeffreys: Hail Hail Rock’n’Roll
Hail hail rock ’n’ roll, don’t leave me standing on the bleak
Don’t leave me stranded on the street
I see the light, I feel the heat

Little Richard, Chuck Berry, Bo Diddley, Fats Domino
Here come Elvis, Gene Vincent, Buddy Holly and Jerry Lee

solved by Pierre


Y f i l
Z b
T s u a
Z b
I c i
W b

Der Himmel fällt auf Island…

Bjork – It’s Oh So Quiet
You fall in love
Zing boom
The sky up above
Zing boom
Is caving in
Wow bam

solved by David


B b b
I w t r m b b b
I w t r m b
I w t r m b

Queen: Bicycle Race
Bicycle bicycle bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride my bike

solved by Uwe


A t I b
T m d
Q m t w g

S g f
G f
G t w I d

Gib’s mir! Und zwar heiß!
Gib metallisches Gas!1

Metallica: Fuel
And then I burn
Turning my direction
Quench my thirst with gasoline

So gimme fuel
Gimme fire
Gimme that which I desire

solved by Pierre


S i t m c m e
T s o a l g d b
L f a l b o l t g, s
G m l, g m h a s

vulkanisch (i.S.v. Star Trek);
gib mir ein H… und eine S…;
sorry, ich hatte offenbar vergessen, diesen Text mit LyricWiki abzugleichen, da diese Zeilen dort fehlen…

T’Pau: Heart And Soul
Something in the moonlight catches my eye
The shadow of a lover goes dancing by
Looking for a little bit of love to grow, so
Give me love, give me heart and soul

solved by David


D, o n!
T, s!
T, s! A’a v!
V! V!

der einzige nicht englische Titel heute … obwohl England aktuell doch irgendwie eine Rolle spielt;
Da gibt’s verschiedene Aufnahmen; die Sätze mögen unterschiedlich angeordnet sein.
Original von 1926;
aktuell ein überraschender Erfolg…

Nessun Dorma (aus Puccinis Turandot)
Aktuell von Paul Potts dank der Telekom-Werbung in den Charts.
Dilegua, o notte!
Tramontate, stelle!
Tramontate, stelle! All’alba vincerò!
Vincerò! Vincerò!

solved by David


W d h n i
B m I n w f
T w t m s u h h

A w w t d t
A w w s f t
M l d b t l t o f s

S w o t b
N t b t
S “S H A” a s l
S “S H A” a s l

← Refrain ergänzt

Kid Rock: All Summer Long
We didn’t have no internet
But man I never will forget
The way the moonlight shined upon her hair

And we were trying different things
And we were smoking funny things
Making love down by the lake to our favorite song

Sipping whiskey out the bottle
Not thinking ’bout tomorrow
Singing “Sweet Home Alabama” all summer long
Singing “Sweet Home Alabama” all summer long

solved by David

Danke fürs Mitmachen, bis nächsten Dienstag!

  1. ist jetzt nicht astronomisch gemeint – obwohl, von den Preisen her würd’s passen (ach, ignoriert diese Fußnote lieber, bevor sie euch verwirrt…) []