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Shaping your life with the Numerology Oracle…

1-22 Crabwise via baton/fun with numbers via Pegasus’ Traum I encountered something terrific which I modified to make it easier to operate, yet give it a much deeper meaning and analysis and changed it in my very special way:

Learn everything about yourself with numerology !!!
Simply with your name !!!!!
More than you ever imagined possible !!!!1
More than you ever wanted to know !!!oneeleven

Enter your name to have it kabbalistic-numerolie^H^Hogically analyzed with the infallible knowledge of the pre-ancient geniuses, combined with super-ultra-modern computer technology – but you can also leave the input field empty, then state-of-the-art new-scientific mathematicianmuddrag methods of space energy research will be used to determine your meaningfull number fully automatically! You just have to sit still and concentrate!

Name (optional):

“Top-level Spiritual Healing”

In one of the weekly local ad papersm there was a somewhat odd ad this week [update: and again some time later] by some “spiritual healer” named Karin Fritsch – an ad consisting of lots of text, presumably to imitate an article. Following a few quotations (emphasis mine) with (not just) my comments; all translated by me. The headline:

Spinal Straightening with Spiritual Healing

Others, by the way, include “divine energies” in their claims – on Spreeblick, Johnny wrote a report about 3 years ago about such a questionable “spine straightening” that he participated in himself (performed by a certain Christian Stippekohl): “Glaube kann Ferse versetzen” = “Faith can move heels”.

From the ad:
Spiritual healing bases its successes in the fact that man consists of body, mind and soul, healer Karin Fritsch explains. Since everything is connected with everything, it’s possible to invoke the infinite wisdom inside of us through the soul using the high vibration of powerful healing energy.

Infinite wisdom? Now who can claim to possess that? Not even myself. :mrgreen: No, seriously, those words may sound great, but the more grandious and exuberant the words and superlatives become (and there are more to follow), the more eyewashing and dubious the whole stuff becomes, I think. Not that I’d see anything not dubious in such a topic anyway…

For spiritual healing, an open, maybe curious attitude that you bring along should be sufficient.

Or put otherwise: A placebo works only if the patient doesn’t know or guess that it is a placebo.

To make [the deformation of the spine] visible, she draws a marker line on the heels of the person seeking help that clearly shows the leg length difference in sitting or lying position.

Yeah, you have to see how the legs are moved to and fro… From Johnny’s report:

[…] holds his hands above me conjuringly. After a few seconds I can sit up again to look at the result. Christian [Stippekohl] grabs my feet again, and behold: My legs now appear to have the same length! Polaroid!

Enough. I dare to protest. I change my sitting position a little and show him that my feet don’t have the same length anymore like this. Yeah-ha-ha!!!! the master says slightly sour, but I manipulated! Erm, I think, before Christian continues. He wouldn’t have to prove anything to me. He wants to give me presents!

For 120 Euro, I’m giving him something, too, I think, but again don’t say it. I’m confused. Where did I end up here? At the club of the happy self-deceptionists?

Do I have to add anything to that? :)

By the way, the “healer” who placed this ad also offers “misaligned pelvis correction” and “straightening of the shoulder-blades”, the “analysis” of which by just holding rulers agains them (and that with thick shirt and denims) also Johnny reports.

I just a few moments she loosens blockades in body, mind, and soul, without touch, with the bundled power of a strong energy flow from the top level, […]

“Highest level”, aha. Sure. Of course. Whatever that may be. Loosening of “blockaden” is also easily done by relaxing, as also Johnny mentions, no matter if done by a massage or a reiki treatment (whose effects aren’t scientifically proven either, of course, except for placebo effects and relaxing, that is).

The healer explains that this succeeds because we are predominantly spiritual beings and the straightening takes place of all levels of human existencet.

Well, I could try to float through the air, then, maybe with my body, maybe leaving it temporarily – should work, being a spiritual being, shouldn’t it? Or can you only learn this with long, expensive lessons? :P But such lessons were another matter, and the ad is not about those…

Persons seeking help immediately feel noticable relief, connected with deep inner harmony and peace.

Let’s quote (and translate) Johnny again:

I also don’t doubt that there are people who feel better after the “divine straightening” than before. Maybe because they were able to really relax for the first time since long ago, maybe because they simply wanted to feel better and needed a little push. I think that “miracle healer” utilize the fact that many people can “heal themselves” at specific points. Also visiting a therapist can, for example, already after the first time, even without actions on behalf of the therapist, work “miracles” since for once someone simply listened to them. Maybe the little things are enough.

I don’t know if or how much the “treatment” offered in the advert (weekend after next in a hotel) costs – only a phone number in Munich is given for registration –, but my personal assumption that later offers will become more expensive shouldn’t be that far-fetched. And even if not: Once the potential customers – and who participates in stuff like this will generally tend more towards such mysticism – acquired a taste for it, “spiritual healers” certainly won’t lose their jobs.

Surely such “treatments” are, at first, not dangerous to one’s health as such, and relaxing certainly isn’t bad. However, besides a possible psychic addiction in singular cases(?) – there apparently are people who visit such “healers” over and over again because any problems didn’t get better after all but they are so blind to believe it would still get better later on anyway – and besides the costs (if they reach a significant level), it might become dangerous in case of serious health problems if they refuse “real” medical treatments and rather rely on inadequate cures or even “miracle healing”. And the possibility that especially the more dubious among the “healers” intentionally tell their “patients” wrong diagnoses in order to be able to sell them more and more expensive “treatments” can’t be ruled out in ominous paramedical areas either. (Nota bene: Of course I don’t claim that the “spiritual healer” who placed this ad is one of such fraudsters, especially since I don’t know her and couldn’t find anything about her.)

Link tips: SkepDic: Healing touch, “alternative” medicine.

Links of the Week (2008/07)

Short and sweet:

Time travel, end of the world, or what?

LHC It seems to be en vogue now to be busy with alleged effects of the new particle collider LHC (Large Hadron Collider) of the CERN which is planned to be completed this May – apart from the “end” of the Mayan calendar which pretendedly either spoil (or prevent) or enjoy us at our Christmas holidays 2012 (a topic even in the current edition of the TV magazine HörZu) – or just lets it start again from its beginning… what’s more realistic, given all those end-of-the-world prophecies that have been wrong all the time?

So recently, for instance, on Golem.de (German) a chaos researcher who probably sees himself as a great scientist found a place for his conspiracy theories and fearmongering about the creation of black holes with the LHC, allegedly threatening to swallow the earth, and the Daily Mail reports about two Russiam mathematicians who believe the particle collisions could create a door to the future, thus allowing time travel.
(via Blog mich am Arsch and JanneWap)

The “bad” thing about all this is just that all energy that the LHC can generate is still way smaller than the energy that are being released all naturally for billions of years when cosmic rays hit the earth’s atmosphere (and also other planets).

Where are the time travelers from the future? Where are the black holes that swallow the earth, why does the earth still exist, with human beings who can think about and blog about such stuff?

Either these time tunnels and black holes don’t exist at all (then the corresponding theory is wrong and the LHC, too, won’t be able to create them) – or they are unobtrusive and not dangerous. So why all that fuss about that?

See also » Safety at the LHC.

LHC photy by poluz (flickr)

“I believe we have been brought here from other planets”

Proof and faith issues and the strange thoughts of Uri Geller

The quote in the title is from an exclusive interview with Geller on prosieben.de which forms the basis for this article (in German – all quotes are my (re-)translations).

The introduction says:

For almost 40 years, he is a closed book for the public. […]

Uri Geller portrait Or he’s trying to. For a “general public”, a “broad mass”, which corresponds to the target audience of the private TV stations and tabloid papers, this may hold true. Thanks to the internet, and YouTube & co. in particular, he can’t keep up his hard course that included many unfounded lawsuits against critics.

For instance the suit over 4 million US dollars in 1992 against book authors which was dismissed after two years with a (much smaller) punishment against Geller, which he had refused to pay, or a suit over 15 million against CSICOP (now CSI, Committee for Skeptical Inquiry) because of a statement by James Randi who said he had found a trick that Geller used to fool even respected scientists on a cornflake box.

(In German, you can read this and much more on the GWUP’s page, the German equivalent to CSICOP.)

Of course this doesn’t keep ProSieben from the brainwashing track of “all real powers, no tricks”, for which they rightfully got the (unfortunately too unknown) “Dodo of the Month” (German), an award for brainwashing of the people.

Powers and Energy

So is there a logical, scientific explanation for where your supernatural powers originate?

No explanation, but there is evidence for my powers. […]

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