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85276 Pfaffenhofen/Ilm in Germany, that is


“Speed” is the current topic at Pabuca – well, here’s rather the absence thereof…

I met this not really fast fellow yesterday:

Schnecke auf Stange IMG_0648

Here you see the remainders of the speedway track around the football ground – boards and slopes are already gone. In order to make room for the small horticultural show 2017, for which also this football ground and the other training grounds in the back will be moved a little. On one hand, it’s a pity for the drivers, but on the other hand it’s very good because, well, I always considered it strange whenever an official or some politicians were proud of having such a noisy sport almost in the middle of the town – “delighting” the entire town with the noise on many a weekend.

Speedway-Bahn IMG_0643

The innermost city center isn’t made for fast drivers:

20 Zone IMG_0657


“Reflections” is the current Pabuca topic, and here are only wet reflections:

It’s not a big puddle, so there’s not a lot of the town hall tower reflecting in it:

Rathaus-Spiegelung IMG_4883

During weather that’s not that well suited for open-air pool visits, there’s “not much” going on in the diving pool, only the wind causes slight ripples:

leeres Sprungbecken IMG_4879

When it rains, there are hardly any noticeable reflections visible – still, it would have been suited for mental reflections while reflecting between the pool edges oneself; rain doesn’t really bother when inside the pool (as long as it’s thunderstrom-free). Of course it only started raining that much when I was finished swimming…

Schwimmbecken bei Regen IMG_4880

(Two or three swimmers were still in the pool, just outside of the photographed section.)


The next Pabuca topic

An old house (that looks even older due to some filtering):

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New homes and space for even more – on a former industrial area at the edge of the city center:

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And finally the freshly renovated Flaschlturm (“flask tower”), a relic from the old fortifications along the town wall – more here (PDF), item 2. Will be used as home for art scholarship holders, the first of these “Joseph Maria Lutz scholarships” was awarded recently (German):

Flaschlturm IMG_4717 copy1


Appropriately for the bunny celebrations – since the bunny and its eggs are obviously adored by many people, you see more bunny and eggs decorations than crossy portrayals of violence – Pabuca’s topic is “religion”.

Religious indoctrination from a young age – popular with church leaders since it would be bad for the number of their sheep if children were not taught absurdities as self-evident and true, but would learn to really think for themselves…

Kinder-Kirche IMG_4715 copy

And if a different variation of absurdities “spreads” – that is if one mosque (this one here currently under construction) “squeezes” itself “along” with the many christian churches to the edge of town –, that of course means the downfall of the occident to some…

Moschee IMG_4791 bw-montage

(purely black-and-white version)

At any rate, churches around here are usually older than mosques – centuries may pass before some inscriptions are made, and that’s already centuries in the past:

Kircheninschrift IMG_4812 copy

(this church in German Wikipedia)

No Fun

This week’s Pabuca topic is “no fun”, so let’s start right away to get it over with^^:

Construction sites usually mean not much fun in the first place – noise, dirt, traffic disturbances. (Except when unusual machines are used, or you’re young enough to see every machine as unusual…) In this case:

Nazi-Opfer-Denkmal IMG_4705

…not even what is being built is a fun topic, because this will (finally) be a memorial for the victims of National Socialism. A German article about it with a model photo is » here.

This garden door doesn’t just stand around alone for fun, of course the rest of the fence will be added soon:

einsame Gartentür IMG_0602

And finally there is quite some no-fun connected to our small local museum for religious art in the old sacristan house – firstly, the opening hours once per quarter are a bit limited for interested visitors; secondly, everything but the ground floor is not accessible to visitors because of fire safety regulations.

Mesnerhaus-Schild IMG_4706 copy

The exhibits will soon move to a side wing of a nearby church, though.