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Projekt 52

Projekt 52 topic 4: Churches

The topic of week 4 in Sari’s photo Projekt 52:


I simply have to take a photo from my archives, since this combination isn’t available today anymore, of course:

04: Churches

Topic 04: Churches

Two months before the football world cup 2006 in Munich: The catholic Frauenkirche in the background and the football temple in the foreground – both a dead-end street…?

Projekt 52 topic 3: Lifeless

The topic of week 3 in Sari’s photo Projekt 52:


I could have done it the easy way and re-post last week’s cemetary gate photo, but I thought I could do a liiiittle more… So while I was thinking what to show, PictureArtist’s animal skull photo gave me this idea:

03: Lifeless

Topic 03: Lifeless

A little fossil fish, about 7 centimeters long – can’t tell how old, I got that little slate since I was a child, and any info that may have accompanied it is lost… can anyone tell more about the fossil?

Color contrast has been increased quite a lot here, originaly the slate is a pale ochre color; otherwise you wouldn’t see half as many details.

Lifeless – but still, fossils can tell us a lot…

Time (Projekt 52/02) and God and anyway…

Nice occasion to combine two topics in one post… The topic of week 2 in Sari’s photo Projekt 52:


02: Time

Topic 02: Time

ac-125x125“Consider that death does not hesitate!” – that’s what the entry to Pfaffenhofen’s cemetary says. So make the best of your life, time’s limited! As also the atheist campaign with ads on busses in London (and elsewhere) says: “There’s probably no god. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life.” And there are plans these days to start such a campaign in Germany, too (about which also sapere aude notified me); the German version of the slogan is still being discussed.

Coordination is done on the German Brights-Blog, who will also add the possibility to support this campaign with donations.

Projekt 52 topic 01: Your town

The topic of week 1 in Sari’s photo Projekt 52:

Your town

That is, my town, not yours ;) – and since using one’s archives is explicitly allowed this year, I’ll start doing so six times:

01: My town

Topic 01: Your Town

Let’s have a look at the sky – and at this little collage: Pfaffenhofen town hall tower in the center, its spire in the upper left corner; bottom left: gargoyle on church steeple and May pole top; bottom right: small vane on a Main Square house and the golden vane on the church steeple.

Proportions are a little off, and the arrangement more than a little, of course. ;)

(I’d bet that this collage might fit a future topic even better…)