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!$title$! Really!

And here’s the corresponding !$text$!:

This thing even appears on the WordPress dashboard:
WP iPhone title

Well, the WordPress for iPhone tool seems to be a little buggy if it creates such dummy posts – see for instance at aptgetupdate and their trackbacks…

PS: No, I don’t have an iPhone and don’t want one, either. At least not at all costs.

Blog recommendation award baton

Brillante Premio A mixture of baton, blog recommendation, and award, called “Brillante Weblog Premio 2008”, apparently made its way from the Italian or Spanish speaking world into the German blogosphere…

And in spite of the danger that an award that’s spread too far loses its value, I’ll join in and pass it on to other blogs – it reached me from Julia with the words (in my translation):

“Andreas/cimddwc must appear, too, of course, because he superbly takes apart pseudosciences, holds a great music quiz and in general competently deals with subjects I’m interested in myself.”

Thanks a lot!

However, I’ll modify the original instructions

The winner may show the logo on his blog.1 He must link to the person who gave him the award and may pass it on to at least seven more blogs. These blogs must also be linked to and notified about the award.

such that not only I’ll leave the notification to the automatic functions of the blog software (like others already did), but also make mentioning and linking (and passing on) optional – that is, you may just enjoy the award and do nothing yourself.

Basically, I could pass this award baton right back to Julia, for she’d deserve this prize from me, too – following the baton aspect, however, I’ll pick seven other blogs which (hopefully) didn’t have it yet… so these are the blogs I’m giving this award to (in (almost) alphabetical order; only two in English, though, plus one with many photos):

  • Bad Astronomy (redirects to his new home on Discover Magazine’s site) – Phil Plait about the beauty of the universe and science in general and the stupidity of various anti-sciences.
  • Begrenzte Wissenschaft – fulfilling his own description “About culture of science and science in culture: about connections, consequences, misunderstandings and intentional dumbing” (my translation) with flying colors. (But, yeah, it’s German, as you can see…)
  • Facing my life – with a camera, that is, with which Crosa takes numerous fantastic photos.
  • Friendly Atheist – the title should tell what this readable blog is about…
  • StoiBär – political and everyday stuff to the point.
  • Wirbelwebber – you could say it’s anything but a woman’s blog. ;)

And the newcomer prize, if you will, goes to:

So in this spirit, thanks to you (and many more bloggers) for your brilliant posts!

  1. But please copy it to your own webspace, if possible, and don’t hotlink it directly from here. []

Stupid comment spammers

Some spammers really are stupid. All spammers are stupid, but some especially. So tonight a filipino wrote a total of nine spam comments with meaningless short sentences on a single post within 26 minutes – on the then current one about the domain trading spammer. (Unfortunately Akismet let all but the last one pass – probably was quite new. By the way, I left them (without link) for reference, sort of, because I want to make fun of them here.)

And unfitting comments they were!

for the long i hope i will become effective and useful to others.

So for instance for people who publish small ads for captcha entry?

I need someone to help me with simple captcha entry work. You’ll login to specified site using credentials I provide, and enter captcha’s on weblinks I provide. Very simple. At present I can pay 2.5 cents per entry. I’ll pay by paypal. I need to start ASAP! Mail me your messenger id (yahoo or msn) and your time zone(EST, PST, etc).

For someone with the same mail address replied there:

Im interested to work with you . My YM ID is alvinnobleza. I promise to be an asset to your company.

And now he apparently tries to be an asset for a badly translated, somehow dubious music site…

oh it nice to belong to someone else when you feel their importance that they give to you.

Ah, you already belong to that company. Well, I wouldn’t like that…

the idea is to generate a fund to create a better business into the future.

A fund for comment spammers or their employers? God forbid!1

have you ever heard that just click your mouse and read this page and you will know the importance of it.

It can be done without a mouse, too. Any notebook user will confirm that. But what do you spammers know, anyway…

i think it serve other people a lesson to share their thoughts and feelings.

it is good to know to other people the importance of site because it adds idea to other people that read this.

And did you really lern something here?

its better to have one of this know all the important topics to it.

Would be even better if one could understand that sentence, wouldn’t it?

a wonderful page i read some comments but i appreciate what they said.

Read – and still like them? Phew, lucky me!

download and try this to see the difference to other web that you`ll visit.

What, another web? Only accessible with a ominous download? I think I’ll pass…


  1. I know this exclamation will never work, but probably nothing will really help against spammers, anyway. Unfortunately. []