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Bye, e.on…

Lago di Poschiavo As indicated here (“Electricity tariff increase”, 15 Oct), my electricity will soon come no longer from the normal local provider E.ON Bayern, but instead (due to the cancellation period, starting 1 Jan; cancellation confirmation arrived today) from Trianel – and then “naturally” the “eco” way.

Costs a tiny bit more than the standard electricity (85% non-regenerative) at current tariff, but noticeable less than at the future tariff (after the announced increase from 1 Jan 2008). And even less than E.ON’s eco electricity.

So my juice will then – don’t let beverage testers hear that! – come to 84% from the water of Lago di Poschiavo (photo from and the rest from other water, wind, biomass and a touch of solar energy.

Of course the best electricity is still that which is not consumed needlessly (e.g. standby)…

Electricity tariff increase

“Appropriately” on the Blog Action Day about the environment, now also E.ON, who provide me with electricity, too (and, after all, have not raised their tariffs this year), announced increases by an average of about 10% (in Bavaria).


Well, I (and many others, I’m sure) will stress comparison sites such as Verivox now…

Maybe an eco tariff won’t be bad, there seem to be some which are relatively low. (Yes, environmental protection that costs nothing or little is still the most successful kind…)



Huh? ▼

Little calculation imprecision of 53%

Update: Im Excel-Team-Blog wurde eine kleine Erklärung veröffentlicht (englisch), es beträfe “nur” die Anzeige, nicht das zwischengespeicherte Ergebnis. Dumm also “nur” für die, die auch mal Werte anzeigen lassen und nicht nur damit rechnen…

Update 2: Ein Hotfix ist mittlerweile verfügbar.

Microsoft Excel 2007, a spreadsheet calculation program for which the correctness of calculations is not quite unimportant, messes up some multiplications that should result in 65,535, e.g.

850 * 77.1 = 100,000

How it gets the idea to turn a result that has the lowest 16 bits (integer representation) all set to 1 into 100,000 (decimal) – and only with some pairs of numbers, not all – I have no idea. Maybe they wanted to hide another bug or flaw this way… anyway, that’s become a complete flop. They want to release a patch as soon as possible…


Maybe it was just a test to see if people are actually using Excel 2007 already and not stick with older versions (which probably many companies do)…?


Update: The Excel Team Blog published a little explanation, according to which “only” the display is affected, not the stored result. So it’s “only” bad for those who have results displayed and don’t just calculate…

Update 2: A hotfix is now available.