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Music Robot

Okay, it’s apparently available for about a year, but I just read about it in the new issue of the Bild der Wissenschaft¹, and it was new to me: miuro, the iPod dock and WLAN client that can dance and follow his master!

Official site: (Japanese)

Without further investigation: I suppose the name results from “music robot”, or rather the re-transfer of its pronunciation from Japanese to Latin letters.


Oh, and I should mention a little disadvantage: the price of about 1000 € (e.g. at…

¹ Strangely, they spell it “Miouru” – did they get that from a French source?

Assembly is…

:kissm: What can be done with the Linux shell can also be done with x86 Assembly language – maybe a little less safe ;) but with direct access^^ (note that “BH” is German for “bra”):

        enter 0xCafe,0xC
        not [0xbadFace]
   lock leave
        push bh
        test ah,0xDD
        pop bh
   lock enter 0xBed,2
        call si
    rep mov ah,0h
times 9 mwait
        call 0xDad

Even when reading several times (hint!), even with the help that pops up when hovering over the dashed underlined items – probably no-one except me will understand that. But, well, I don’t care…. :mrgreen:


…or what else is the result if – as reported e.g. on on Spiegel Online (German), but that’s apparently not an isolated case – you have a flat rate for your iPhone and receive an 80-page printed bill in which every single call, every single SMS and every single data transfer are listed, even though they are included in the flat rate and thus billed with $0.00?


And that with all the environmental-frendliness that Apple and AT&T like to emphasize…