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The Number of the Beast

Here is wisdom.
Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of this post
for it is a human number,
its number is


And in this 666th post, I got a diabolical special edition of search request “replies”:

For those who don’t know yet: These search phrases, highlighted in grey, led people here, and I neither shortened nor extended them nor made them up, I just translated the German ones.

pfaffenhofen devil
[deep, thunderous voice] YOU HAVE FOUND HIM!

do you want to change the devil
[deep, thunderous voice] HA HA HA! YOU’LL NEVER MANAGE THAT, YOU WORM!

the devil ass
[deep, thunderous voice] NOW DON’T BE INSULTING!

[deep, thunderous voice, louder] HEY, IF SOMEONE’S SCREAMING HERE, IT’S ME!

angel and devil porn pictures
[deep, thunderous voice] WE DON’T TAKE PHOTOS!

*cough* Alright, seriously now:

is there a devil uri geller how can a table bleed
I said seriously! :roll: Or are people really stupid enough to connect a magic trick such as a “bleeding” table with the devil??

I’ve crossed “the door” and I don’t like what I see....but a devil is only a sick Angel
And I’ve read “the search requests” and I don’t like some of them, either… but it’s rather cold outside.

What do men want angels or devils

Halloween devil update
Erm, what’re you tryin’ to say?

devil motive 4 you 2
Erm, what’re you tryin’ to say?

if you wont to give your soul to the real devil how do you and what do you say
Counterquestion: How do you think you’re able to recognize the real devil (assuming for a moment there was one)?

windel devil
Wouldn’t you prefer diaper teufel?

:teufel: I think that’s enough for today. Bye, I’ll go and sacrifice a few goats now, and remember, i wanna be your god i wanna be your devil too.

More about this silly number mysticism e.g. in the Wikipedia.

Fiery text created with Flamewordmaker

Where can I get VIP for free?

Welcome to the latest edition of “replying” to search queriesI am the threat that is so real!

For those who don’t know yet: These search phrases, highlighted in grey, led people here, and I neither shortened nor extended them nor made them up, I just translated the German ones.

where can i get vip for free
Here! All visiters are VIPs here!

Of what?

evil page
Here? No, you’re wrong. Well, unless you are one of those believing in moon calendars, ghosts and similar stuff:

moon calendar tomorrow
Just as nonsensical as today.

indoor mondphasen grow
Mixing languages macht es auch not more sensible.

horoscope 8/8/8 pieces
Yes, tear your stupid horoscope three times into 8 pieces!

newspaper clippings by supernatural
No, newspapers can only be cut by natural persons.

ghosts aliens ufos astronomy links
Don’t exist, don’t exist on earth, are no aliens, and you probably mean astrology?

god tells me how the music should sound but you stand in my way
Maybe it’s not me who’s in the way, but your rational thinking about the (non-)existence of a god – and not only in the way of your music but also your homework(?)1 to find out who this quote is from, huh?

the highest drawn lotto numbers
49. (In 6/49 lotto, of course.)

lotto of swiss wikipedia
I don’t think the Swiss Wikipedia conducts its own lottery.

i can’t believe that we

does mankind come from another planet

Run out of ideas? Then that’s it for today, bye, cause it’s all about the money

Photo © Jenny Solomon –

  1. appeared several times with a few variations in a short time []

Search queries – LHC edition


Welcome to the latest edition of replying to search queries – a special edition about yesterday’s launch of the LHC.

For those who don’t know yet: These search phrases, highlighted in grey, led people here, and I neither shortened nor extended them nor made them up, I just translated the German ones.

LHC function
Check the Wikipedia link above or the link tips at the end, you should find enough information and further links there.

lhc conspiracy theories
Don’t need them, there’s already much nonsense published and searched without them, see the next queries…

lhc end of the world
No. No matter how hard you might wish for it. On the other hand, given these hundreds of comments that piled up at the Astrodicticum Simplex (German) – the large number only caused by unnecessarily scared people, scared by the panic mongers among the media, who’d rather post the same questions over and over again and mostly refuse to read the article itself and/or think a little for themselves – that idea might actually be not that bad at all. ;)

Nostradamus particle accelerator
Get real, Nostradamus, living in the 16th century, couldn’t know what that is. A lot of things can be (and unfortunately is being) interpreted into his gibberish, of course, but, first off, it’s sensible to assume such predictions of the future are impossible anyway – until it can be proven otherwise, but that never worked yet –, and secndly, such interpretations surprisingly only fit well in hindsight…

LHC what energies
Alright, a serious question in between: Each colliding proton has an energy of 7⋅1012 eV (7 TeV), which means the total collision energy is 14 TeV – compared to the 1020 eV during collisions of natural cosmic rays just a little fart. Written out:

         14,000,000,000,000 LHC
100,000,000,000,000,000,000 nature

However, these are just 2.24⋅10–6 Joule (2.24 µJ) in the LHC. Clapping your hands probably releases more energy, just not in such a small space. (The energy needed to power the entire LHC is of course much higher – about 120 MW, estimated 800,000 MWh for 2009 –, since the colliding hadrons have to be accelerated and kept on their circular path in extremely cooled tubes, and this cooling costs a lot too.)

So why all that fear if the LHC experiments are just a weak and small copy – just under controlled conditions with collisions at known places with huge detectors built around them – of what is happening for billions of years everywhere in space, including that li’l solar system of ours?

lhc jesus christ
No, he certainly said nothing about the LHC, he even lived way before Nostradamus. But he’d probably say something like this:
(1) If someone collides one of your hadrons, throw to him the other also. (2) Those however who take great pains replying to all of your questions, honor them by actually reading what they are writing (3) and have written before, (4) for the irrational insistence on your preconceived opiníon long after its falsification is (5) not worthy of human intelligence.

anthroposophy lhc
The combinations these people come up with :roll: – this religious-occult mysticism system really got no place here. Or do you want to take a few Higgs particles – probably no scientists will like the lurid, absurd designation “god particle” – and mix them into the anthroposopers’ homeopathic “medicine”?

Hmm… now how would that be if all this anthroposophy stuff including the advert for a medicine against cold that can currently be found on the schedule booklet of some(?) trains of the Deutsche Bahn1 disappeared in a black hole?

Now that would be something, an “intelligent” black hole that only swallowed that nonsense produced by those panic-mongering, conspiracy-theorizing, mystic dumbers of the masses!

(Yeah, just dreaming…)

Link tip:

LHC photy by poluz (flickr)

  1. found in EC 194 and 195 []

Google knows no borders

Half the world is talking about the announcement of Google’s own browser called Chrome, and Big G presents its advantages in a long Comic, worth reading, actually. And what do my weary eyes see on page 13 when they are talking about a Danish team and display a map of Europe?

Google Chrome Comic p.13 map of Europe

Denmark as well as Belgium, Netherlands, Luxemburg, Switzerland, half of Austria, Slovenia and Hungary belong to Germany! Was there a new war or annexation I missed?

The Greek islands appear to have drowned, too, and the Black Sea seems to have dried up. Well, climate change and stuff, these things can happen.

Hope the browser got less errors… ;)