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I can see you in you eis

Hello i’ve got something to tell you but it’s crazy! Welcome to the latest edition of “replying” to search queriessit right here and tell me baby whatcha need.

For those who don’t know yet: These search phrases, highlighted in grey, led people here, and I neither shortened nor extended them nor made them up, I just translated the German ones.

i can see you in you eis
(“Eis” is German for “ice”) Ice in the ice? May happen. But it’s of little use to directly speak to the ice.



oh oh oh song from whom is it
Oh oh oh, I don’t know. Does one of my readers know more?

how calculate with astrology the lotto
You take planet and paint numbers on.

ancient trick to predict lotto numbers
Take the date of the drawing in the Maya calendar, for instance, 5 Ahau 3 Zac for this Saturday. Works just as well as any prediction, i.e. not at all.
What, you don’t like the 0? Wait and see, it will be drawn this time!

wrong end of the world prophecies
All. But who’s making such silly prophecies anyway?

I didn’t do it
no i didn’t
i did nothing
Those who deny the loudest are often the guilty ones…

why did i do nothing?
Well, only the gods know that – i.e. nobody.

Jesus can you please do something new in my life Im feeing terrible Lord
Try atheism. :mrgreen:

Did you know Genise lived in a house? Cause I dont nothing here but Chicken
No, didn’t know that. But watch out, chickens can be aggressive – not that they’ve driven Genise out of her house (or even worse)!

good uniwerse
No, not good – universe is spelled with a “v”.

quotes no ones heard of
How do you want to find quotes on the internet if nobody heard of them?

kroatisch deutsch sprich englisch
“Croatian German”.

hey hey hey hey im a white cloud
Hey hey hey hey, now what were you smoking? Got something left?

the trick with the panties
No, no panties this time.

you bastard
Hey, no insults here! Just wate for the next search queries post.

Well, before more angels without panties show up: that’s it for this time, bye, and remember: what’s rock without noise? you can’t have that! there’s no such thing!

Hart kohr porn and Ero tick dance

Welcome to the latest edition of “replying” to search queriesnow aaaaaaa if lone be a fine!

For those who don’t know yet: These search phrases, highlighted in grey, led people here, and I neither shortened nor extended them nor made them up, I just translated the German ones.

hart kohr pornos
womens po po
sleeping nackte girls
ero tick tanz de

I don’t think you’ll have that much success with this language mix-up.

sex videos with lots of porn
Yeah, this pseudo-story and that talking in porn movies are annoying, everyone would prefer lots of porn in the porn.

d in dating
Yes, there’s a “d” in the word “dating”.

Now here’s the panties of the day:

new below without panties photos
Above without panties would be too commonplace, of course. But have you really already seen all photos, or how would you tell which is new and which is old?

Cat 2 Girls 1
No, there’s no cat in that movie.

2 girl lan cup
The version for LAN party attendants? Maybe for badly organized LAN parties without toilets?

16 years thong
But wash it sometimes! By the way, which brand are you using that’s still not worn out after 16 years of wearing and washing?

Alright, enough erotic topics.

cat god if you can´t make me thin
…then diet yourself and do more sports. Maybe get chased by a large dog, pussycat. (Or who else’d pray to cat gods?)

how large should letters be in the paint-on medicine method
At least 300 points. And always in the face so you immediately see what a moron the “patient” is.

oh jesus wont you come on down why dont you show your self
Might be because he’s dead for almost 2000 years.

lotto numbers during full moon
There surely are some lotto dawings at that time. Doesn’t influence the numbers, however. And when selecting your numbers, the full moon certainly provides more light than the new moon.

extraterrestrial twitter journalist
Given how much some journalists despise blogs, I hardly think that extraterrestrial journalists are using Twitter, of all things.

names dear percent calculate
How about numbers hated per mille calculation?

i like my down mu
That’s funny, I like my up µ!

one two tree so fine i really wanna make you
…mine? Well then go and buy that tree or the two trees if you like them so much!

Telepathy actually
Telepathy is actually, in the best case, self-delusion. At any rate, it’s not real, and often also intentional fraud.

Alright, time’s up for this time, its five past twelve. And don’t forget: That’s how it’s gonna be, if you ever really want to get lost then follow me.

700, or: End of the world in 1 week?

This is the 700th post in my blog, and as it’s a good tradition, I’m “replying” to a few search requests.

For those who don’t know yet: These search phrases, highlighted in grey, led people here, and I neither shortened nor extended them nor made them up, I just translated the German ones.

[ick my lotto numbers
Up yours too.


very gut software lotto
Software no good, can’t predict either.

to the universe which lotto numbers shall I play today
To what crackpots do you have among your users?

im gonna kneel down and pray till the gods can hear what i say
Question for the doctors: Is it bad for your health to kneel for decades?

pray out loud its the end
Praying won’t help, and it’d be way too early, the end isn’t here yet.

nächst week
What’s supposed tu bie next week?

end of the world in 1 week?
No. And yes, I’m sure about that, because that search request is older than one week. But it even won’t work with the end of the world 2012, sorry.

how to create personal horoscope
Just write anything that’s generic enough for everybody to find something he can relate to, and insert his birthday somewhere.

numerology what does my birthday mean
Exactly as much as in astrology: It’s the day you were born.

Will Number 15 and 26 Match according to Numerology
That depends on what you want – if you want them to match, make up a numerology system that claims that; if not, make up another.

fly and telepathy
Hey, that must be the reason that these beasts so easily escape the fly swatter!

magnet pads effect
0. Or rather: –x with x=exorbitant price you have to pay for them.

= -0,707106781 + 0,707106781 i

und means latein
Et bedeutet Latin.

why won’t you call quotes
Well, I didn’t think about it yet. So let’s go: Quotes! Quotes, where are you? Quo-ootes!

Yeah, me also confuse a little the program schedule on German Fox TV, they are showing lots of episodes of Lost. At any rate, there are three episodes of the the 4th season every Saturday at 17:55.

i am lines from we will rock you
You are lines? What a strange delusion…

How do I write a winning notification
Are you a newbie spammer, huh? No, I won’t help people like you.
:bye: We better stop for today, bye, that was all you wanna see.

O wenn du Sens go marching in

O wenn du sens go marching in / O Lordi wonnt Tubi in that Number – but if then with letters! Welcome to the latest edition of “replying” to search queries

For those who don’t know yet: These search phrases, highlighted in grey, led people here, and I neither shortened nor extended them nor made them up, I just translated the German ones.

cell phones appel i cell how march
Well, I don’t bye, no matter what praise.

show naked lake
There are quite a few photos among my Montreux photos that show the lake without any clothes on. Enjoy!

porn movie for free
Could have watched a few in my hotel in Montreux, the room price included all entertainment offers (internet, music, movies). Well, that won’t help you know, I guess…

“ice cream”] photo] erotic]
[Sorry, [I [got “none of these”.

Bilder old Grandmother Sex
Fotos von old frauen in Höschen
Tut mir sorry, sowas have I auch nicht.

hot girls cleaning yellow hammer
Erm… huh? That’s quite a specific fetish you got there; won’t find something you like too often, I guess.

from mini thong to nothing at all
That’s called undressing.


But not without my silk panties
Hmm, you have to make up your mind – nothing at all and silk panties at the same time is impossible.

no panties please
Sorry – I just can’t ignore these search requests.

slap on the panties
Good idea. Oh, is that why “no panties” is so popular?

the fly in the panties
Isn’t that annoying? Or cruelty to animals?

“now just thongs”
Yeah, that’s the solution!

where can thongs be worn
Well, I wouldn’t recommend wearing them on the head or as socks, for instance.

i wear thong of wife,
i wear thongs man
Alright, you could say that a bit more friendly if you absolutely have to tell everybody, man!

enter spa with thong
…and leave with baggy swimming trunks? Then you mixed something up when you put your clothes on again afterwards.

Can i tag along tonight, we’ll kill some time it looks like you might need a little company I let go, but there’s just no one that gets me like you You are my only my only one Here I go so dishonestly Leave a note for you my only one And I know you can see right through me So let me go and you will find someone I remember the look in your eyes, When I told you that this was goodbye You were begging me not tonight, Not here, Not now. We’re looking up at the same night sky And keep pretending the sun will not rise When all our tears have reached the sea Part of you will live in me Way down deep inside my heart The days keep coming without fail A new wind is gonna find your sail Thats where your journey starts Youll find better love Strong as it ever was Deep as the river runs Warm as the morning sun Please remember me. . ….[expand]
NO! Please don’t expand this any further! Please!

heating according to moon calendar
I’d rather turn on my heating according to temperature. No matter how astrology-deluded I’d be.

calculate as cendent
…that you won’t get far as astrologer if you don’t even know the basic technical terms.

:bye: That’s enough for today, bye, and remember, it is a natural fact cause im dressed like a cat!

Links and Video of the Week (2008/39)

Everything’s German today – except the video, and that’s worth watching!

Der Shakespeare-Sketch von Hugh Laurie und Rowan Atkinson:

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