Been at the Meat Loaf concert last night – great! Superb! (Except that it started ½ hour late.) That old boy (in his late 50s) rocks! Go see him if you can.
A popular comet
…is back again: the kinderlein comet… I already watched, erm, heard it on the Christmas fair in front of my window.
Montreux Photos
I’ve just uploaded my 51 photos from the 4th Freddie Mercury Montreux Memorial Day (official site), so head over to the gallery!
(Click on the thumbnails for a view in a width of 520 pixels with comments and previous/next buttons; click that image for full 1600×1200 resolution.)
Photos from 2004 are also available.
(Edit June 27, 2007: The galleries now use the myGallery plugin (better integrated into the blog structure), and no longer the old, rather separate software.)