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Quote of the Day (5)


“We argued enough, we should make it now.”
Interior minister Wolfgang Schäuble about an online search law (source: Handelsblatt/ap; my translation)

What?!? An argument, lots of controversy, no consent – so push it through quickly? What the hell came over him now? [BTW: Is the devil blogging now, too? :) ]

Hey, basically, I don’t mind if the computers of acute suspects are being searched – within the same scope, of course, that applies to wiretapping phones and similar actions now, i.e. on a case-by-case basis and verified and ordered by courts. Or else – in the extreme case – we’ll even have to look for a new anthem, because there may be not much left of “unity and justice and freedom,” which didn’t appear from nowhere, by the way.

Quote of the Day (4)

What the world needs is more nazis
Like it needs a hole in the head
Your future is not safe at all
’til this disease is dead

We gotta stop those fucking nazis

(Roger Taylor, “Nazis 1994”)


Did you notice the guy “watching” in the orange triangle in the top right corner? That’s the German minister of the interior, Mr Schäuble. (Just move your mouse over him – sorry, the appearing text is German only, but click it to get info (mostly) in English.)

With this, I’m joining currently (at least) 330 blogs and websites who demonstrate this way against ever increasing all-embracing surveillance tendencies and similar restrictions to freedom and civil rights as especially our dear minister keeps thinking of time and time again…

More about that at the German Working Group on Data Retention (in English) and other campaigns such as NoPSIS und 82 Megaohm (both German only).

Quote of the Day


“We must check what the state can do to protect the freedom of its citizens also in the future.”
(CDU secretary general Ronald Pofalla according to the ZDF to the “Bild” about minister of the interior Schäuble’s new anti-terror plans; my translation)

Yes, he wanted to support Schäuble with this statement – wouldn’t it be better, then, to find another minister of the interior who is appearing less, well, paranoid (if you want to agree to the Linkspartei (“left party”) at least here, they don’t say much useful stuff anyway) and freedom-hostile?

Thus the actual Quote of the day:

“I used to assume it’s the minister of the interior’s job to protect the constitutional state. Now you could come to the conclusion that the constitutional state would have to be protected from the miníster of the interior.”
(Sebastian Edathy (SPD), leader of the Bundestag’s interior committee; my translation)