Mouse has nightmares?

Welcome to the latest edition of “replying” to search querieshave a great good time come on!

For those who don’t know yet: These search phrases, highlighted in grey, led people here, and I neither shortened nor extended them nor made them up, I just translated the German ones.

mouse has nightmares? oh yes ever since the storm
Ooh, the poor mouse. But I can understand that, especially if it was a strong storm, like Kyrill, Katrina, etc. Maybe petting will help.

English for is not this here.

www deuch porno com
German means “deutsch”! Not “deuch”! Told you in July already!

100% frei Deutsch Datierung (which translates to “100% free German dating”, but only the kind of dating that’s synonymous to “age determination”)
See, you can spell it correctly, too. Until next time, we’ll learn how to speak understandable sentences, alright? Otherwise your date will not only be mad when you guess her age wrong.

i am trying 2 ring my number but is not working
Maybe the line’s busy when you’re calling yourself…

boys fight quotes
Yes, boys, fight those evil quotes!

austria wieden knife shop price rat
A price rodent in a knife shop? Huh??

maik over and drees up games
I’m soary, I don’t nou any.

play wesring
Wes… whose ring? Wlestring? Wrestling? “Don’t try this at home!” Except on a game console, but that may be not that easy with all those moves.

save my life xandria how to play in guitar
I guess if you find a guitar that’s large enough for you to fit inside, it will be quite cumbersome to play that guitar.

i am an elent i am a legal elent am an englishman in new york song
Now that’s woeful even for non-aliens, so we better end this for today, bye, let’s get to bed it’s late!

Breaking News: New element discovered!

ci Another part of my satire series about mysticism and pseudoscience…

The cimddological super-researchers managed to discover a new chemical element with the atomic number 0.3333…! This element promises various new applications in Cimddology which will surely be beneficial to our bank accounts all of you!

As is common for chemical elements, their discoverers give them a name – we decided on Quarkcakeium. A truly delicious name for a delicate element!

We can already give a little prospect on the new possibilities:

You surely have heard about magnet underlays which are usually offered for exorbitant prices? High price, low production costs, even lower use? Just forget that mystic crap, it’s good for nothing!

Our researchy hyper scientists are already working on prototypes of our new iMayNot and iMayStillNot underlays in comfortable mattress and hammock versions with convincing effects! (Those you can foist magnet healing stuff and similar junk on can easily be convinced by us… *cough* Do you happen to be interested in franchising?)

Furthermore, according to preliminary results, Quarkcakeium apparently can also awaken prophetic abilities! One of our test subjects, after consuming 25 kilos of this miraculous substance, recited verses which easily come close to Nostradamus in terms of clarity and explicitness! Examples:

In the night it’s colder than outdoors,
The carps are flying home, of course.


Crouch lim colleague? Buoy, mitigate liturgy.
Phonic gazelle handwritten melt mammalian liturgy, liturgy.

With sentences like these, you really can predict anything, you just need to read into them what you want interpret them correctly!

So look forward to the future!


Links of the Week (2008/35)