Almost every second German is superstitious

And almost every fifth is feeling uneasy today on Friday 13th.

This can also serve as a nice example for biased choice of words :mrgreen: – since Statista titles (in German; my translation) “Friday 13th spreads only little fear”, based on the same number of 17.9% (see here (German); by the way, 22.3% of women say they’re “especially careful”).

The latter numbers are from a different poll (2007 Germans aged 14+, GfK, June 2008) than the one asking for particular objects or situations of superstition that is the basis for this post’s title (2000 Germans 16+, Allensbach, Nov. 2000):


Top to bottom: four-leaf clover; shooting star; chimney sweeper; black cat; the number 13; finding a horseshoe; cuckoo calling; spider in the morning; swallow’s nest; Friday; clock stopped ticking; the number 7; bad luck when a little owl calls; borrowing salt means bad luck; knife’s edge at the top brings quarrel: sheeps to the left; walking back when stumbling; door opens by itself; rain on bridal veil; touch a hunchback.

It’s of course hard to tell this way if those not believing in clover do believe in other stuff, so there may actually be more than 43% who decided to give their brain some time off in favor of their superstition.

Addendum: Julia reminded me about the extreme superstitions of US presidential candidate McCain and, to a much lesser extent or maybe not at all, Obama.

Edges and corners

I know, the design that the ZDF is using for time and score display during football broadcasts isn’t new – if I remember correctly, they introduced it for the World Cup 2006 –, but I got to get that off my chest now:

I don’t mind rounding sharp corners to get a more pleasing look, but I think especially this shape with the overtime is rather dilettantish and unaesthetic:

ZDF display

In the top left corner, the right angle is rounded with a small radius, on the right hand side there’s a large curve with a slanted edge, and the overtime has simply one corner cut off. I really think they could have made that in a more consistent way; I somehow don’t understand who could have come up with this combination and actually get it on air… or what do you think?

Do you like this design?

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PS: Congratulations to Austria for tying the score, but you’re gonna lose on Monday! :mrgreen:

(Almost) no toot-toooot

There seem to be only few Croatians around here, especially those willing to drive and honk around. So just for the sake of completeness:

 hrhrhr      de
hr   hr    dede
    hr # de de
  hrhr      de
 hr    #   de
hr         de
hrhrhrhrhr   dedededede


If quantity and “quality” of their driving around and honking was to decide, the Euro 2008’s final would be Turkey – Germany…

500! or Half of the time we don’t know

coffee This is 500th post in this li’l blog o’ mine (don’t get confused by the number in the URL, that one also counts drafts, pages and uploads). And it’s already a tradition to show you some of the search phrases (with grey background; neither shortened nor extended nor made up, I just translated the German ones) that brought people here:

do you know why we should break down and cry
You can find some reasons in here, since there’s an answer if you reach into your soul.

bandaged feet of verona poth
Who’d want to see that?? i fucking dont care!

i think im in love with a girl who lives
That’s certainly better, necrophilia is really abnormal (and illegal).

sex with spectacle wearer
Certainly possible. What’s your problem?

in coffee naked
Warning, hot! And certainly expensive to have that much coffee in a cup that large to contain a person. Or hard if you mean coffee beans.

a fuck of coffee
So, cheers and enjoy! If that, whatever exactly it is, is something to enjoy…

i want my pray come true
Well, who’d pray hoping the prayers were useless? Alright, they are, in general, all rather useless – and even Google won’t be able to change that.

internet page enter numbrs and predict
There you are, enter a number and click OK:

numerological preview 2008
…says: “Numerology still is rubbish and nonsense.”

predictions for end of the world
There are many, and not a single one turned out to be true. Guess why? ;)

Finding the proper words and spelling them correctly is not always easy:
exist other planet with lyfe youtube
every morgen wake up
-mother hope you came my life yeah yeah
are you love same tonight tables
do you see the light aaaaa
oh oh oh oh oh may there be no pools tonight
you got a reaction that’s bed in you
me “where you” feel when i am look love that “but now”
i have below the machine cook can i can i every want to send on the blue oh tell me why

That’s it for this time, bye!


please don’t stop c’mon
Okay, call me when you want it i give it, so let’s continue:

schnuffel kuschel bedclothes

vulva university
There’s a university for that? Where??

top commenters blog
You’re a comment spammer, hm? Then why didn’t you comment here yet – don’t like that I don’t count from the start of the month, which would make it easy to place your link in the list, but the last 30 days instead?

This, now, really is the end for this time. Just a saying:

childhood ends when you stop seeing monsters in your closet and you realise that they are walking on the street


Photo: Ben Heys –