Your Opinion is Important!

Scan of the bulk mailNo, I’m not referring to the oh so important polls in this blog, ;) but to a bulk mail I got today, “The big EU states mineral oil survey” – as if they were really interested in the people’s opinion. Addresses with date of birdth and especially “Kaffeefahrten” as trip prize, that is what counts for these dubious crooks, and they are doing that with letterbox companies (this time Gewinnzentrale, Postfach 1129, 49430 Neuenkirchen) for quite some time, unfortunately… :evil:

(Update:) The AK Tirol had also warned and has been confirmed.

Unfortunately, also this time there will be enough unsuspecting naïves participating to be financially worthwhile for the organizers…

31 Dec 07: Now they’re trying that with an “energy survey”…

16:9 TV is popular

The result of my previous poll “ZDF (or TV in general) in 16:9” here in my blog (right column): 78% like the 16:9 format, 22% are not sure, and nobody dislikes it.

And with the huge number of 9 participants, this poll certainly is highly representative!

So right on to the new, this time religious poll – let’s see how long atheists hold the absolute majority…

102 Unsolicited Calls

Good that I’ve configured my FRITZ!Box 7170 and my ISDN phone with answering machine such that I don’t get disturbed by calls to my (published) main MSN that do not transmit their caller ID, which in virtually all cases are call centers and others who rather stay anonymous (my relatives with old analog connection are few, and they know a “secret” MSN) – they only hear an appropriate message, and except for some pseudo-raffle robots, only once someone said:

“Not bad, this answering machine.”


Using the FritzBox’s call list, I now created a little set of statistics:

In the previous 6 months (26 weeks), there were 102 such calls, that’s 3.9 per week, although fluctuating quite heavily between 0 and 12. Just one coincidentally hit the “secret” MSN, five (at regular distance on two days, so it was the same call center) on the third MSN where a fax is connected only occasionaly. Only once the “number” 049 was transmitted, once one from Cologne from a robot.

Here’s a breakdown by weekday, time of day, and calendar week:

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Just a few or here and there?

From the German weather service, Deutscher Wetterdienst, Weather and warning situation south-east (German), today at 4 p.m. (my translation, as good as possible):

In northern bavaria here and there, in southern bavaria only a few THUNDERSTORMS, partially with SQUALLS, HAIL and INTENSE RAIN.

Well, hopefully lightning strikes are not rare, but only seldom.