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Digital sand art

…or just something for playing around for a while… Seen first at Geht mal gar nicht!, then at Blogwiese, and I thought, well, I’ll create some “art” myself with this virtual sand that you can let drop down in different colors at thisissand.com.

These were (after a first test) the results (click for large view):

thisissand 1 thisissand 2 thisissand 3

Added 4:27pm:
thisissand 4
(Looks somewhat better in that small picture.)

In their gallery, you can see more (and better) “paintings” (next to a lot of trivial ones)…

Let’s have a Wordle

Word clouds on steroids, if you will, can be created with Wordle, with some options for font, layout and color. For instance, this may look like the following image (click to enlarge) for my “On the trail of afterlife” article:

Wordle: afterlife

Or like this for what I wrote about this full moon astrology rubbish yesterday:

Wordle: full moon

Nice toy…

Or my complete blogroll (including brief descriptions):

Wordle: Blogroll

That could be turned into a kind of blog baton – for everyone with a sufficiently large blogroll, ideally with descriptions: How does your blogroll look like in Wordle? I don’t pass it on specifically, though, if you want to participate, just do it…

(via Evil under the Sun)

Cloud mountains art


The art of nature – created in a very simple way from the pale original photo from yesterday’s sunset (bottom left) with a little color/contrast correction; bottom right is a more reddish intermediate step (click to enlarge):

Wolkenberge Wolkenberge