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Quotes of the Day (8)

The bishop of Eichstätt Gregor Maria Hanke to the Donaukurier (my translation):

For all christians, the encyclical “Spe salvi” could be an incentive now to live paschal hope and make clear “that even in times of uncertainty, we have a future given to us by God.”

I think it would be better if we didn’t hope for a godly present for our future, but instead tackle the problems here on earth ourselves – not just for oneself, but for other people and for future generations.

Which leads us to the second quote:

“If you believe you’re going to be resurrected after you die, which I think is a fairy tale, this is ultimately a dissatisfying way to promote life, and I don’t think that it’s going to get us anywhere as a culture.”

Natalie Angier, Pulitzer prize winning science writer for The New York Times, in a debate “God vs. Science” (via Pharyngula)

Poll of faith ended – Question of time

My previous little poll (on the right hand side in the sidebar) is now closed after the most important number of 42 participantsTeilnehmern – and among those of my visitors who spotted it and felt like participating, the atheists and agnostics (to combine them roughly) hold a slight majority:

Result of the poll "Do you believe in God?"

From now on, the new poll is online, appropriate for what will be done at the end of this month (yes, this month, some got it wrong at the end of September – don’t worry, I won’t tell any names :pfeif: ):

Do you like the daylight saving time clock change between summer and winter time? Or rather do away with it? But then, what time to keep – rather earlier bright and earlier dark, or later and longer bright?

So turn to the right (just in this browser window, what else did you think? :mrgreen: ) and vote…! :aufgehts:

Who is without sin…

…should reach 0 € with the “Sin Calculator” (German only) and may cast the first stone:

stone-throwing smilies

Or (s)he’s, like me, an atheist – thank God¹ – and doesn’t care about the (of course not quite seriously) calculated sum like e.g. my 707,44 €. But I won’t be able to keep up with Conny, where I found this, anyway. :mrgreen:

¹ from a quote from Bernardo Bertolucci (according to today’s Donaukurier), Luis Buñuel (according to Wikiquote) or whoever else

The devil wears kinky diapers

excerpt from Codex Gigas

At least that’s how it looks on this picture from the Codex Gigas, the “Devil’s Bible”, one of the largest medieval manuscripts from the 13th century, according to legend written by a monk who wanted to evade being walled up alive – in one night, with the help of the devil, “of course”…

This giant book (90x50x22cm) will be shown from today until early January in the Prague Klementinum.

At the National Library of Sweden, where it is normally stored, you can browse through the entire book in high resolution (that’s also where I got the image whose detail is shown above).