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85276 Pfaffenhofen/Ilm in Germany, that is

Projekt 52 Week 10: Architecture

The topic of week 10 in Sari’s photo Projekt 52:


Well, Pfaffenhofen doesn’t have that many eye-catching modern architecture, the main square (which has some nice old-style buildings, including the town hall) are a big construction site right now, and I didn’t want to take some photos from the archive such as the Neue Messe Stuttgart (whose parking garage I had used for a picture riddle) or the new shopping mall in Heilbronn which was almost finished last Christmas.

So I chose these two pictures:

10: Architecture (1)

Week 10: Architecture

The “House of Meeting” at the western end of the main square in Pfaffenhofen – with library, gallery, tourist office and music school.

10: Architecture (2)

Week 10: Architecture

A birdhouse…

Run-off elections

Anyone really need a translation for this post about our local elections?

Kommunalwahl 2008 Werbung Wie anderswo auch hat die CSU in Pfaffenhofen gewisse Verluste hinnehmen müssen – und sowohl die Bürgermeister- als auch die Landratskandidaten müssen in die Stichwahl:

Hans Prechter (58, CSU), Bürgermeister seit 18 Jahren, schaffte gestern mit 36,34% nur einen knappen Vorsprung vor seinem halb so alten SPD-Herausforderer Thomas Herker mit 33,11% – nachdem er vor 6 Jahren noch im ersten Durchgang die absolute Mehrheit erreicht hatte.

Grafik dazu:
(jeweils links in blass 2002, rechts 2008; wo der Name genannt ist, war es derselbe Kandidat)
Kommunalwahl 2008 Bürgermeister

Und Landrat Rudi Engelhard (CSU) kam auf 48,6% (korrigiert:) 48,7% vor FW-Herausforderer Josef Schäch mit 30,7% 30,6%.

Auch im Pfaffenhofener Stadtrat hat die CSU Einbußen hinnehmen müssen und zwei ihrer 13 Sitze (von insg. 30) an SPD (jetzt 6) und Grüne (3) verloren*. FW und ödp bleiben bei ihren 5 bzw. 2 Sitzen, getauscht haben FDP (jetzt 2) und FUW (jetzt 1). Grafik dazu:
Kommunalwahl 2008 Stadtrat

Die Wahlbeteiligung lag übrigens mit 61,0% geringfügig höher als 2002 mit 60,6% – ob damals auch so ein Mistwetter war, weiß ich nicht; ich wohne erst seit 2003 hier.

Nun denn, sind wir mal gespannt, wie das in zwei Wochen ausgeht… Das Bild rechts oben im Eck zeigt übrigens die Wahlwerbung, die sich im Lauf der Zeit in meinem Briefkasten eingefunden hatte.

Aktualisierung: » Zum Ergebnis der Stichwahlen

Zahlen von pfaffenhofen.de.

* Dies ist natürlich nur meine (einfachste) Spekulationsvariante zur Wählerwanderung.

6 million liters of water

6 million liters – how much is that, what to make of it?

  • 20,000,000 glasses (0.3 l each) full – doesn’t help much…
  • 6,000,000 liter bottles (duh)
  • 1,200,000 days for cooking and drinking in German average
  • 666,666 – 2,000,000 toilet flushes
  • 500,000 bottle crates (12 bottles each)
  • 150,000 showers
  • 50,000 bathing
  • 47,244 x average daily consumption in Germany
  • 17,000 fillings for 150cm wading pools (about 20cm depth)
  • 12,500 pallets with 4x2x5 bottle crates each
  • 8,100 € at 1.35 €/m³ (though I’m not sure about this price)
  • 1,200 dripping faucets per year
  • 129 years total consumption for an average German
  • 2,4 olympic swimming pools (50m x 25m x 2.0m or deeper)
  • 1 water-mains burst in the city of Pfaffenhofen the evening before yesterday.


Consumption numbers from Quarks&Co

Bruno the Strong and the magic staircase

Urban 1
Urban 2

Once upon a time, in the year two thousand and seven in the Common Era in a district town which is called Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm, there was an urban department store owner who had contrived a plan to extend his store a little and, at the same time, amend the comfort for his valued customers, inasmuch as these were only able to be lifted from the ground floor to the floor above that by a magically self-moving staircase, commonly called “escalator”, however having to exert themselves to get to the second floor all on foot.

Kran Thus it came to be on a tepid late-winter or pre-spring day (the chroniclers are undecided in this) of the sdubsequent year that yon department store owner temporarily even relinquished his dearly beloved area, that which was intended to park the carriages of his customers during their hopefully remunerative stay in said department store (and exclusively during this stay, other uses of this area had never been causing any pleasure). For aforementioned area was needed as space for Bruno the Strong from the family Liebherr, without whom this endeavour deemed forlorn, and his equipage.

Rolltreppe Know ye, such magical self-moving staircases do not grow by themselves in place, instead they are being grown far away and are brought hither and thither in full-grown shape on special long and flat carriages, those which are called flat bed truck.

Kran lang Then in the early morning, said Bruno the Strong came rolling to and first got himself a good grip on the ground by the means of his strong paws.

Come now, quoth Bruno, I am ready, let the staircase come! And at once, it came. And Bruno took it with his long fingers, stretched his body very much, and lifted it on the ‘tween-roof, from whence it was, after the people had overcome their astonishment on account of his strength and skilfulness, moved to inside the building and mounted tightly, so that henceforth it may lift many a customer comfortably to the upper level.

Kran fährt weg After his work was done, Bruno the Strong boldly set forth on to his next quest, where he was sure he would attract great interest again and again.


(Sorry if this sounds too odd, I’m not that experienced in imitating fairy-tale-like English…)

All original photos (and a few more) can be seen in my Pfaffenhofen gallery.

Projekt 52 week 4: Contemporary witness

Projekt 52 The topic for week 4 for Sari’s Projekt 52 (German):

Contemporary witness (expressly not necessarily a person).

Easy for me to find a motif, just get on my balcony and I had my constructural contemporary witness:

04: Contemporary witness

Week 4: Contemporary witness

The old Ilmgau department store in Pfaffenhofen/Ilm – opened 1977, closed 2005 with 7-digit debts. To the left an old cinema, at last the beverage department of the store. Since recently, after several failed attempts to sale/auction it, it has new owners – cinema and a small stockroom (not on the photo) will be knocked down, the rest will house offices, and probably a shop on the ground floor.

I’ve only seen the last two years, and then it was mainly a supermarket with remains from general wares. Old furniture and installations, broken heating in the last winter, range of products growing sparser and sparser, probably the region’s highest share of food beyond its eat-by date – and ever fewer customers. Which turns into a vicious circle, of course…

…so, a contemporary witness of former store ages that couldn’t keep up with the times…

Of course I modified the colors a little…