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85276 Pfaffenhofen/Ilm in Germany, that is

The golden spire

At first, I only showed the first image and a little quiz “what do you think is special about this image?” Well, it’s a night photo as can be seen on the second image in original brightness, which has been slightly modified in brightness and contrast (with Corel PhotoPaint’s automatic function):

golden spire (bright) golden spire
(click for large versions)

From the right, the moon is glaring into the photo, the elongated dots in the sky are stars which actually moved that far within the 20 seconds of exposure – and that there are brighter parts on which the moon doesn’t shine directly is also caused by the street lights, of course.

The “disturbances” seen in the bright spire in the following detail and the stripes that can best be seen in the bright image above are caused by the (black) mosquito net through which the photo was taken:

golden spire (detail)

Projekt 52 week 27: (old) masonry

The topic of week 27 in Sari’s photo Projekt 52:

(old) walls/masonry

Well then:

27: (old) masonry

Week 27: (old) walls/masonry

Part of an old warehouse – other parts of which were already shown in week 20 – right in the town’s center, with construction work next to it.

Update 4 Jul: They’re actually erecting a scaffolding around that building today…

And as I got to know in the mean time, it actually is protected as a historical building – a nearby hotel already parked their guests’ horse-drawn carriages there a long time ago.

Full moon #2

This time, however, not about the nonsense full moon mysticism and astrology, but a few photographic tests of mine with my Canon 40D with Tamron 28-300mm VC (click for large versions, which are crops without size changes):

The full moon a few nights ago behind the city hall tower pinnacle – unfortunately the moon wasn’t high enough to get behind the ball or the vane, but only behind the middle part of the pinnacle, and I didn’t want to climb on the roof…; the second image is the not perfectly succeeded attempt to focus on the tower:
full moon full moon

With longer exposure, the moon gets too bright, of course, but you can dimly see the tower (yes, I should have focused on that) – first1 with 0.3s exposure time and without post-processing, then with 0.4s and a little color noise reduction and brightness curve adaption (if you don’t see anything above the ball above the moon, your monitor settings are wrong):
full moon full moon

I wouldn’t be opposed to hints from (not only) professionals… :)

  1. Photographed in the opposite order, of course, since the moon had moved farther to the west in the mean time. []

Projekt 52 week 25: Ramshackle, scruffy

The topic of week 25 in Sari’s photo Projekt 52:

Ramshackle, scruffy

This time, I admit it, a photo from May – the assumption that there would be a topic like this in Projekt 52 played a role in the making of this photo, of course. Well, I could go out and shoot the same object again, but what for? ;)

25: Ramshackle

Week 25: Ramshackle

A wall that has seen better times…

I modified color saturation and contrast “a little”, as you can imagine…