This is about a show from the first German season of “The Next Uri Geller” from early 2008. You can also:
» Show all my reports from the first season.
» Show everything about the second season 2009.
» Show really all articles about Uri Geller.
It was terrible! I wasn’t even watching TV, when suddenly I heard a drawer in the kitchen open, a spoon came flying and turned on the TV! A strange guy seemed to loudly clear his throat – and that on ProSieben which I don’t even have in my channnel list! Very closely I evaded a second spoon that came rushing with full power, smashing the remote control so that I couln’t switch channels anymore!
Okay, joking aside. More notes about yesterday’s “event”, the first edition of this German show, which to me only was an event because I had blogged live…
- English readers probably find a lot of info on CSI (ex CSICOP), or watch the (English) videos at the first of the following German links: GWUP-Infoseite zu Geller; GWUP-Blog (including funny video); special page that also informed live/a>.
Also (also German): trick explanations on und at the tz. - The question is how much the contestants are behind the “real powers” balderdash which also was clearly shown in the short films introducing them – or if they rather submitted to the show’s demands. In any case, I think a magician who doesn’t think too lowly of himself should not have applied for such a show in the first place.
Nicolai Friedrich Update 16 Jan:clearly writes about magic tricksused to write that on his HTML site – in the German Flash version only, he writes (translated) that he’s “able to transfer his mental abilities to his audience so he can create telepathic connections between people, look with the viewers’ eyes, move objects with the power of his mind and take a look into the future.” So he adapted himself to that stupid show motto.
Hayashi (Ryan Lam): Found no homepage, but in show announcements, he’s quite often called magic artist, e.g. “European champion of magic”;
David Goldrake: Homepage currently not accessible, only the Blog. In a press release there, he’s named an “illusionist”;
The couple, Duo Sonambulo: In that lengthy Flash animation, the word “entertainment arts” is mentioned once, but much too often for my taste, they talk about paranormal stuff;
Vincent Raven: (my translation:) “No magic show, but a mystic spectacle from the past awaits you.” – “an artist of illusion and fantasy invites you to a world of the strange. Illusion show in mystically staged atmosphere. Vincent Raven seducts you into the realm of myths and spirits.” Umm, well… - The performances were, in part, quite okay, but nothing to sweep you off your feet. Especially that raven guy’s “world of the dead” communication trick playing with the feelings not only of the celebrities (who probably had been paid well enough), but also many viewers, was somewhat questionable.
- Ratings: 3,85 million (12,1% market share) aged 3+, 2,69 million (20,1%) aged 14-49; only RTL with US series had more. ProSieben can probably be satisfied. Just a pity that way too many are probably not skeptical enough…… (source: teletext and
- Updated: About the brief guest I had mentioned, Dr. Friedbert Karger: He used to be at the Max Planck Institute for plasma physics and apparently had himself become confused by a “Poltergeist” so much that he’s quite popular among parascientists now… The show’s producers were probably glad to have found a doctor title holder to utter “confirming” statements, forgetting about the proven existence of magic tricks.
- The visitor numbers here were quite good for me, but blog seemed to be rather listed sufficiently high in the search engines for the search combinations of “Uri Geller” and “Son[jy]a Kraus” to attract visitors… a few critical ones, luckily, also came, but also one who search for “next uri geller what do you have to say to throw spoon down from tv set”.
- Live blogging is quite exhausting – I certainly won’t do that again for this show. If at all, I’ll just watch the recording time-shifted to be able to skip over uninteresting parts.
» Detailed explanations (German) at “The Tricks”.
Pingback: Das Phänomen “The Next Uri Geller” :: cimddwc1 2008-01-09 at 10:16
Pingback: “The Next Uri Geller” – Live :: cimddwc2 2008-01-09 at 10:17
juliaL493 2008-01-09 at 12:00 912 Comments
Oha, da hattest du dir wirklich viel Mühe gemacht (aber ich hab nicht alles gelesen, weil ich nicht eine Sekunde zugeguckt habe!).
Bzgl. der Überführung der mystischen Ereignisse kann ich nur (nochmal) Unweaving the Rainbow von Richard Dawkins empfehlen, wo die unglaubliche Wahrscheinlichkeit von “Wunderheiler von Uhren” betrachtet wird.
cimddwc4 2008-01-09 at 13:44 6315 Comments
Durchaus eine gute Empfehlung; weiter als bis zum ersten Kapitel bin ich aber noch nicht…
Lorenz Meyer5 2008-01-11 at 11:49 3 Comments
Wir vom Sheng-Fui-Blog verbiegen heute gemeinsam im Blog einen Löffel; nur mit der Kraft der Gedanken und garantiert ohne Tricks.
Macht alle mit, damit das Experiment gelingt:
Viele Grüße, Lorenz von
cimddwc6 2008-01-11 at 12:26 6315 Comments
Dann viel Erfolg…
Pingback: Die 2. Sendung von “The Next Uri Geller” :: cimddwc7 2008-01-15 at 22:55
Sheng Fui (Lorenz Meyer)8 2008-02-07 at 22:18 2 Comments
So manche hatten ihre Zweifel am Sheng-Fui-Mentalexperiment “Blogger verbiegen gemeinsam einen Löffel” und haben uns gar Trickserei und Täuschung unterstellt… Durch einen streng wissenschaftlichen Versuchsaufbau und die Überwachung durch einen staatlich anerkannten Notar konnten wir jedoch selbst die größten Kritiker von der Seriosität des Unternehmens überzeugen.
Für alle, die den Ausgang des Experiments nicht live mitverfolgen konnten, kommt hier der Link zur erfolgreichen Auflösung:
Wir bedanken uns ausdrücklich bei allen Teilnehmern, die uns mental unterstützt haben! Es gibt bereits Angebote eines Privatsenders, das Experiment live im Fernsehen zu wiederholen. Wir halten Euch auf dem Laufenden!
Viele Grüße, Lorenz von
tanken9 2008-02-27 at 9:10 1 Comment
Was soll man sagen. Die Einschaltquoten sind wirklich der absolute Hammer, meine ganze Family guckt sich die Serie an. Ich persönlich halte von nicht viel
bernie10 2008-02-28 at 15:17 3 Comments
Also der Trick mit den Briefen ist wirklich sehr sehr billig. Aber ansonsten ist die Show recht unterhaltsam. Humor hat er ja auch.