- The first photo of an exoplanet on Bad Astronomy.
- Oliver Gassner’s interview with a Nigerian scammer (part 1, part 2).
- The dowsing cartoon from NICHTLUSTIG (contains only one German word that means “here”).
- Great Antarctica photos at The Big Picture.
Links of the Week (2008/45)
- German: Wirklich relevante Reaktionen auf Wahlsieg Obamas beim Satireblog Unterneuntupfing Aktuell.
- German: Frau Dr. Buchstaeblich-Seltsam war fleißig und hat nicht nur ihren Medien-Markt (Teil 1, Teil 2) eröffnet, den “Esoterik-Fachmarkt für das moderne Medium”, sondern erklärt auch die Quantenfüßik.
- German: Die Erstausgabe der Computerzeitschrift CHIP vom Oktober 1978 als PDF-Download (via DimidoBlog).
- German, but the first link has the pictures: In Konna’s image manipulation contest “Turn pretty into ugly”, my photo was voted number 2 by the jury.
The captured moon
(A little blurry since I had to photograph it through the mosquito net to keep the perspective.)
Update: Here’s a brighter version for people with darker monitors:
Bitchy board
Didn’t imagine that a mainboard (in this case an MSI X38 Diamond and for testing a P35D3) would be so bitchy when the CPU revision (in this case a Wolfdale E0) is a bit newer than the old BIOS supports – at least it should start DOS to allow a BIOS update, but no, it’s gotta hang with full-screen logo during memory or USB initialization and ignore any keypress, except when occasionally asking whether to reset the BIOS setup, just to hang after that, or sometimes turn itself off and back on every few seconds until you unplug it, or… or… or…
So it’s remove CPU, search an older one, install, update, remove, install new one, phew, works. The first major step towards my new work PC is done…