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Undisturbed call center entertainment

You know, I got my FritzBox and my ISDN telephone configured such that callers who do not transmit their phone number only reach a computer voice without ringing which says (translated):

“Good day. You are calling without transmitting your number. Since this is typical for unwanted commercial calls, you are directly – without audible ringing – directed to this answering machine. Please enable your caller ID transmission, or leave a message so you can be called back. Thank you.”

(I wrote about configuring it in this comment in German.)

In the last few weeks, this has proven more and more useful again, after some time with only very few calls – though there were never useful messages left on the answering machine, because except for the lottery call robots (which can’t tell a machine from a human), at most a few short call center background noises were recorded. Except for now:

Yesterday a probably little experienced female call center agent could be heard (*** mark incomprehensible parts from other people; my translation from German, of course):

*** — “If you- if the number is suppressed, you are automatically… put on the answering machine. Had… here I currently have a tape like that, I am to activate my number, or leave something on the machine” — “*** …a tape… ***” — “I don’t know!”

And this afternoon three in a row (by the way, all callers had no number transmission in the first place; no case-by-case suppression and no old analog line):

15:08: No recording.

15:09: Man 1: “What program or something like that does that one have installed?”

15:10: Man 2: “Is cool, huh?” — man 1 (same as before): “That is cool, isn’t it?” — man 3, maybe other conversation: “Maybe that is for him/you…***”


Projekt 52 week 24: Tools

The topic of week 24 in Sari’s photo Projekt 52:


Without further ado, let’s get right to the photo:

24: Tools

Week 24: Tools

A photo that’s ambiguous in multiple ways: A little house made of bits, i.e. screwdriver head pieces with the same name as the basic unit of information storage, with a USB stick (containing even more bits) from our company which offers (mostly software) tools for PC diagnosis (and more) as door. Sorry for this little advertising… ;)

Radio controlled clock wrong? – Tips

Woman with clock Since people keep coming to my blog looking for hints on how to deal with wrong radio controlled clocks and find only my annoyed post about a particular specimen with its stupid programming that lets is be wrong on the days of daylight savings time changes, I thought I’d put together a few hints for other kinds of radio clock problems:

  • Don’t position it too far inside the building, closer to windows may be helpful (preferrably towards the transmitter, wherever that is for your area). This especially applies to buildings with reinforced concrete walls.
  • Not too close to other electronic devices, especially those transmitting radio signals themselves. Also, the proximity to metal objects can cause interferences.
  • Cheap receivers may have problems with weak batteries, so try fresh ones.
  • And you shouldn’t forget to look at the often available symbol indicating whether the clock still receives a signal at all. ;) For if it has to keep running off its own quartz, a cheap model might show visible differences after only a few days.

Further notes:

  • Since the signal data usually offers only very little means of error detection (single parity bits for parts of the data; even 2 (or 4 or 6…) bits received wron cannot be detected), low reception can easily cause the clock to set the wrong time, especially if it’s programmed (too) simply and does not compare the signals over several minutes to avoid such consistencies. (The time signal is transmitted every minute, containing 59 bits with 1 bit per second.)
  • Most clocks don’t check the signal all the time, but at most every hour or a few times per day – or just once, and hopefully not at 0:00 like the specimen I mentioned.

Hope this helps someone… If you got anything to add, note, or correct, feel free to do so in the comments.

Photo by Martin Schmid –