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Links of the Week (2008/16)

Kurz und bündig:

And a comic by xkcd:

buy techno?

Links of the Week (2008/15)

Short and sweet:

A radio-controlled clock is wrong…

» Your radio-controlled clock is wrong? Click here for tips!

Apart from the fact that in (not only) my opinion we could do without these clock changes – then, though, without the one in autumn, I prefer it when it gets dark later –:

If a radio-controlled clock is programmed so stupidly that it checks for the correct time only once per day at 00:00 (12:00 am) (even though this makes the programming process easier since that’s the situation after inserting new batteries) and thus is wrong almost the entire Sunday, this, I think, really doesn’t indicate a thoroughly working and sufficiently thinking manufacturer.

At least temperature and pressure-based forecast seemed to be correct… But, well, it was only TCM, the private brand of discounter Tchibo. :mrgreen:

I got weak after all…

… and chose the more expensive but of course clearly better alternative …

40D Screenshot

… and ordered the Canon 40D as my new, “proper” camera. For starters, only with the kit lens EF-S 17-85mm 4.0-5.6 IS USM, and we’ll see what may follow in the future, maybe even a declaration of love like Crosa’s (German, about the EF-S 60 2.8 Macro lens). ;)

And even though the decision was made to at least 90% beforehand, it suits me just fine that Canon has started another cash back promotion for EOS products (from 1 March to 30 June 2008), which will reduce the price in this case by 200€ afterwards. :)

Now I don’t intend to turn this blog into a photo blog, but there’ll probably be a few more photos in posts – once I got that camera, of course. Furthermore, I’ll put some photos into my galleries without much ado, or maybe I’ll add them to flickr or a similiar site, we’ll see.

Bruno the Strong and the magic staircase

Urban 1
Urban 2

Once upon a time, in the year two thousand and seven in the Common Era in a district town which is called Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm, there was an urban department store owner who had contrived a plan to extend his store a little and, at the same time, amend the comfort for his valued customers, inasmuch as these were only able to be lifted from the ground floor to the floor above that by a magically self-moving staircase, commonly called “escalator”, however having to exert themselves to get to the second floor all on foot.

Kran Thus it came to be on a tepid late-winter or pre-spring day (the chroniclers are undecided in this) of the sdubsequent year that yon department store owner temporarily even relinquished his dearly beloved area, that which was intended to park the carriages of his customers during their hopefully remunerative stay in said department store (and exclusively during this stay, other uses of this area had never been causing any pleasure). For aforementioned area was needed as space for Bruno the Strong from the family Liebherr, without whom this endeavour deemed forlorn, and his equipage.

Rolltreppe Know ye, such magical self-moving staircases do not grow by themselves in place, instead they are being grown far away and are brought hither and thither in full-grown shape on special long and flat carriages, those which are called flat bed truck.

Kran lang Then in the early morning, said Bruno the Strong came rolling to and first got himself a good grip on the ground by the means of his strong paws.

Come now, quoth Bruno, I am ready, let the staircase come! And at once, it came. And Bruno took it with his long fingers, stretched his body very much, and lifted it on the ‘tween-roof, from whence it was, after the people had overcome their astonishment on account of his strength and skilfulness, moved to inside the building and mounted tightly, so that henceforth it may lift many a customer comfortably to the upper level.

Kran fährt weg After his work was done, Bruno the Strong boldly set forth on to his next quest, where he was sure he would attract great interest again and again.


(Sorry if this sounds too odd, I’m not that experienced in imitating fairy-tale-like English…)

All original photos (and a few more) can be seen in my Pfaffenhofen gallery.