- Phantastic photos from the LHC (via Bad Astronomy)
- Not the end of the world: LHC is safe! (German)
- Atheist sees nothing on a piece of toast!
- What is a good righteous person? And how about Jesus? (via Friendly Atheist)
- 54 Outrageous Ads Perfectly Put In Scene! (part 3), the other parts are interesting too.
Bekomm es jetzt!
Just another (somewhat funny) German spam mail…
The matching post title for what I’ve found in an online shop yesterday:
Links of the Week (2008/31)
- The seven deadly sins of religion (cartoon) (via Atheist Blogger)
- An Atheist Goes Undercover to Join the Flock of Mad Pastor John Hagee – including demons. Long, but worth reading (via JLT)
- German: Die GEZ hält sich mal wieder für schlauer als die, die ihre Geräte abmelden…
- German: Germany’s top 50 blogs design comparison – an extensive statistical analysis.
- German: Results of the blog carnival “What to put in the sidebar.”
- And a video with a jazz pantomime (via Stefan Graf):