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Oans, zwoa…

In a few days, the “Volksfest” (public festival like the Oktoberfest, just much smaller) will start here in Pfaffenhofen — and the lokal savings bank uses that for advertising its “Wiesnpackage” (festival vouchers when buying certain investment products from them).

Quiz: What’s wrong here? Probably even some of my international visitors will know that…

Oans, zwoa, drei... - Sparkasse Pfaffenhofen

(Apart from the fact that “Wiesn” is quite a euphemism for Pfaffenhofen’s festival ground…)

Odd laws and (German) verdicts

Spiegel Online has a bunch of over 20 strange cases (from German courts) and laws

You want examples? :hammer:

  • If a man whirls his dance partner against her will so over the dancefloor that both fall out of a window, the dancer must pay medical costs and compensation to the woman.
  • The head of every dead whale that’s found on the British coasts belongs to the king. The tail belongs to the queen – in case she needs the bones to make a corset.
  • Even if a panel doctor declares she’s working particularly fast, she must pay back some of her fee if her balance adds up to a working time of 26 hours a day.

More on Spiegel Online (in German).


Are you desperately looking for the face of Jesus, Mary or similar on a piece of toast to make lots of money from it on eBay? Why not use some help – a toast printer!

More pictures in the article at Evil Mad ScientistMore pictures in the article at Evil Mad Scientist

(Okay, that could be fraud. So: don’t use that, or instead sell it honestly :angel: – people who’d spend lots of money on such things either have a useless oddity museum or are nuts. And you don’t have to rip them off in addition to that.) :devil:

ComputerWorld. Review has 7 pictures (no, they just stole the pictures) From Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories who have more pictures and descriptions of their device.


Update: For believers in the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, they also made the matching toast (and offered it on eBay for the fun of it – sold for $26.99):

Why phryganeidolia? According to the Altavista translator, toast means “φρυγανιά” (phryganiá) in Greek, and “eidolon” = image, as in “pareidolia”, so you could call the result by that name…

(found on