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Make your Q key blue!

Quelle, one of the big German mail-order companies, included in their latest ad letter two stickers for the Q key – in nice metallic blue, with a little violet touch depending on the light source (and not easy to photograph correctly):

Quelle Q sticker (1)Quelle Q sticker (2)

(Translation: “Free stickers for your world of advantages.”)

With the background that if you press the Q key on, you get a special offer page (if you’re logged in) – currently a Halloween special, a travel raffle and a few highlighted, partly reduced classes of goods.

Nice idea, but would anyone really put them on her/his keyboard? I doubt that…

(Should I ask Quelle if they have stickers for the other 104 keys? ;) At least then it would have a consistent look…)

For Internet Explorer haters…

…who can stitch well enough (not me), an IE voodoo doll would be nice:

IE voodoo doll

» Tutorial at ChiBits (many photos – including the above one)

Smilie by But watch out that you don’t prick yourself and spill more blood than what is currently was dripping from my blog header during Halloween, which looked like that:

Halloween screenshot

(via via Blogfever)

Moan and Save 4 Cents

Just found on the Blogwiese (German) where you can listen to an erotic (and somewhat unintentionally(?) funny) moaning of the current date (in German), by a woman or a man (if you want your IP address in English, see here) – and also found this ad for a different internet provider:

Save 4 cents

Ad on a web page saying “You are surfing via… this costs you at least 19.99€ per month. You could save with… for only 19.95€ up to 0.04€”. Note the enormous saving potential and the strange comparison between at least 19,99€ and saving up to 4 Cent…

Fiery Pope!

Did good old Karol really appear in a bonfire during a ceremony on his death’s second anniversary (already this April) – and if so, what does he want to tell us with this purgatorial or hellfire look?

(Image from the Daily Mail – see there for larger version)

Or is it a dancing John Travolta? Seemed to me, too…

Was it manipulated (which the photographer apparently denies strictly)? Or is it simply anything you want to interpret into it (see pareidolia)? I’m favoring the latter…

(via Bad Astronomy: “Popeidolia”)

Dear (Mr) Anghela,

Woman's portrait (I know it’s hard to translate the mockery of a spam in bad German to English – I made some changes because I couldn’t translate everything verbatim without too much explanations –, but please bear with me anyway, if you will… )

I do think nice you want get know *erm* *hrrm* *harrumph* I wanted to say, I like it that you want to get to know me, call me a “dear friend” and send me two nice photos, but you rather try to find a better translator for you than the presumed machine that translated your Russian(?), because otherwise, I think it will only “be comfortable when we by-pass ourselves e-mails” due to the fact we won’t read anything from each other.

But I’m sorry to say about “To Me it very Well Your Side on the lot”, I don’t own a lot of land. Maybe you’re right and “it only the big plus for us more older are.”

But all that just along the way. I think it’s really remarkable how pretty and very female transsexuals can look, it’s just that, well, how should I tell you, sorry, unfortunately, I’m not really totally 100% completely interested. Though I’d have liked to know what it is like “to potect” you, couldn’t have been too perverted – or could it?

mouth with cherry Well, my best wished for your search for someone who just as much searches “the second half of life” (and that even though that comes over time all by itself), and go along with your (electronical, hence non-physical) greetings:

“The strongest and passionate kiss!
Your boyfriend Anghela.”

(Alright, one little explanation: English “friend” (and other languages too, I assume) can be male and female, but German differentiates that with “Freund”/”Freundin”.)

(PS: If you, dear reader, happen to own the rights of these pictures the spammers used, just send me a little note and I’ll remove them.)

Show entire spam text (German) ▼

Update: In the comments in Stefano Picco’s blog (German, of course) someone posted the next mail he got from “replying”, also in this German antispam forum here and there……

Continued: Reply from Anghela.

Guess I should mention in every part of this series that this can only be from frauds who want to grift pretended travel costs.