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The perfect post

The Holy Trinity of the Three Sevens in the combination of mind and soul with the four elements brings you this divine perfect post, the sevenhundredandseventyseventh of my blog, for your complete enlightenment.


Know ye, it is written:

Divide the triple bad luck twice by the elemental bad luck, so that it shall dissolve itself and the divine perfect remain.1

Like the trinity and the four elements put together result in the Seven, the perfect 777 consists of four elemental trinities based on the double Three.2

Write this following Prayer in your best handwriting on handmade paper, frame it and hang it 7.77 centimeters above the floor, lie down in front of it at a distance of 7.77 inches and loudly speak the Prayer 777 times in 7.77 hours, so that you shall find complete enlightenment and no longer need candles nor lightbulbs, now and for evermore.

This is how ye shall pray:

Our number, who art in cosmos,
Hallowed be thy prime factors.
Thy factorization come.
Thy calculation be done,
In the computer as in our heads.
Give us this day our daily enlightenment.
And forgive us our miscalculations,
As we forgive those who calculate against us.
And lead us not into division by zero,
But deliver us from the 666.
For thine is the 3, and the 7, and the 37,
for ever and ever.

  1. (131313:13):13 = 777 []
  2. 777 10 = 3333 6 []


From the classsified ad section “miscellaneous” of the Bayerischen Taferl, one of the local weekly ad newspapers, not the first time source for odd things:

Meditation im Advent ein Thema für Dich? Tel. ...
Translation: Meditation in advent time a topic for you? Phone…

I considered calling for fun, saying “No” and hang up immediately – then I saw this one, too, in the same block of about 40 ads:

Familienaufstellung etwas anders! tel. ...
Familiy Constellations with a difference!

To this, my reply would be “No thanks, don’t want your nonsense“.

There were even more such ads scattered around this block with the same phone number (didn’t find a web site for these offers, by the way):

Engel - ein Thema für Dich? Tel. ...
Angels – a topic for you?

So we’re back at the simple “no”. At least when considering how this question is meant, since it actually is a topic since I’m writing about it here.

I almost missed this one (actually the second of these), showing the lady’s versatility:

Weihnachtsgeschenke selbstgemacht, z.B. Bären u. Engel stricken. Tel. ...
Self-made christmas presents, e.g. knitting bears and angels

These come in handy – in German, that is, ’cause there’s the proverb of “tying a bear onto someone” = to hoax someone, which she’s probably gonna do for the other things she’s offering…

“Uri Geller live – Ufos & Aliens” – Report, opinion…

…criticism, grumbling, call it what you want. At any rate, here I’m writing about today’s show “Uri Geller live – Ufos & Aliens – Das unglaubliche Live-Experiment” (“The incredible live experiment”) on ProSieben (Germany).

You can even have your own message sent into space – but if you’re hoping for a real reply, you’re hoping in vain, the distances are just too long, and if there actually are intelligent beings “out there”, they’d have to understand the messages in the first place. No matter how pretentious the chief spoon fiddler’s talk is (my translation):

“Anything can happen”, Uri Geller says. He, too, has a personal message for the aliens: “We open our hearts and out thoughts for you. We strongly believe that you are somewhere out there. Please show yourselves in the night of November 15. The people will look out their windows and wait for your signal.”

Be careful, Uri, when the people look out the windows, they miss the commercials, and ProSieben won’t like that!


  • Mysticism eccentric Nina Hagen – present despite her recent virus illnes.
  • Ancient astronaut dreamer Erich von Däniken.
  • “The Next Uri Geller” (Germany) winner Vincent Raven.
  • “A man and a woman who, according to their own statement, first met in a spaceship. Today they are a couple and will be asked about their experiences with aliens during the show under hypnosis.” Oh dear.
  • By telephone from the USA: Edgar Mitchell – Apollo 14 astronaut and ufo believer. Note that the former is no basis of a higher credibility of the latter.
  • Host will be the same as for “The Next Uri Geller”: Stefan Gödde.

What did ali comment at Florian’s live blogging (German) who’d also have liked to read along (translated):

But I’m already appointed for a fondue. Lots of cheese, too, but better.

Well then bon appetit – which I also wish my readers with this nice mess. After commercials with aliens in them in talk talk talk for accomodation, they’re starting overly punctual with Gödde’s and Geller’s prerecorded introduction and the Ukrainian radiotelescope, Geller promises that some of us will receive a reply, and the raven guy will take care of the soul contact – but somehow I’m missing the warning message “Don’t try this at home!” from the magic show…

A pale head with alien face tattoo on its back was briefly seen, then Gödde alredy starts with a lie by saying there will be messages sent into space for the first time – more respectable people have done so already via radio and space probes as well as more or less intentional all radio and TV stations for a long time.

But first a little film as introduction with some “c-lebrities” and Geller himself saying a few sentences. Geller says we’d deserve a true answer. From him? Impossible. Impossible in a different sense, too, the amount of applause he gets when entering the stage and reporting about his large ball of light as a child. The biggest experiment of his life is what is supposed to happen tonight – I rather think that was the test whether his cheap spoon trick would bring him success back then – and us viewers are to get pen and paper ready.

Switch to the Deep Space Center in Evpatoria/Ukraine, brief introduction of the radiotelescope – no money left for 16:9 in the recording, apparently, the presenter colleague Daniel Aminati looked quite fat. Direction of the ‘scope will be the star Hip 4872, 310 trillion kilometers away from us (32.8 lightyears, in the area of the Cassiopeia constellation). And the speed of light is “absolute madness” for him.

Ufo films

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My blog defines the universe!


More specifically: the physical constants – here’s an excerpt:

Mass of the sun MS = 1.98892⋅1030 kg
½ blogAge / √spams = 1,98880 — coincidence?
(blog age in days: 797)

Boltzmann constant k = 8.6174 eV/K
½⋅√publicThongWearers = 8.6168 — coincidence??
(see my poll “men in thongs”)

Electron mass me = 0.511 MeV/c²
(Lotto/UriGeller)1,5 = 0.511 — coincidence???
(total page views of posts with corresponding tags)

Speed of light c = 2.99792458⋅108 m/s
Pierre² √David / √(Michael⋅Julia³) = 2.99799005 — coincidence????
(total numbers of comments)

Of course coincidence. That is, applied “Cyclosophy” which is mentioned today on Mathlog (German) (my translation):

Cyclosophy, developed by Dutch astronomer de Jager, was a parody on some physical papers which based scientific ‘theories’ on coincidental similarities of numbers.

Such as measurements of a bike.

And such relationships between nine physical constants and five numbers of your choice can be calculated online at bei, which I just did with a few statistics of my blog. :mrgreen:

Photo: david bautista –