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Links and Videos of the Week (2010/34)

(Something was embedded as Flash object here. Not exactly sensible anymore.)

The Smilie Galaxy?

Antennae Galaxies smilie

The emphasis in this newly released image of the Antennae Galaxies is mine, of course – anyway it’s nice to see an entire galaxy smile. :)

Just wondering what the New-Agey woo-woos may think about that – face of god? Manifestation of galactic love? Kryon’s wife? A guardian for the synchronization beam? …?

entire image ← The original image is a composite of images from Chandra (X-ray, shown in blue), Hubble (gold and brown), and Spitzer (infrared, shown as red) and is taken from HubbleSite which also has more info and higher resoluion images.


Credits: HubbleSite, NASA, ESA, SAO, CXC, JPL-Caltech, STScI