- Marcel’s got some fantastic photos of skyscrapers in vertical perspective.
- Great spring photos at The Big Picture
- Understanding Christianese: Lesson 1, Lesson 2, Lesson 3, Lesson 4 (via Friendly Atheist)
- Die Ergebnisse des UFO-Bilder-Fälscherwettbewerbs.
- The theory of relativity as a song: (via Astrodicticum)
- Guess everyone’s seen this video of the pixelization of the world already, but anyway:
Links der Woche (2010/13)
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Links and Videos of the Week (2010/12)
- Lots of different pictures about water at The Big Picture.
- Misheard Lyrics (mostly German), Death Metal variant (via Gedankendeponie):
- And more Death Metal, this time “by” Louis Armstrong (via @JoergR):
- A tree branch falls on power lines (via ui.)
Links and Video of the Week (2010/11)
- Design Around the World: Metro Maps (via @gillyberlin)
- The sky over Hawaii – best viewed in HD at Vimeo (via Astrodicticum):
(Something was embedded as Flash object here. Not exactly sensible anymore.)
Projekt 52/11: Coffee Time
The next topic of Projekt 52.