Links of the Week (2009/01)

Well, everything’s German this time…

‘s Video dr Woch (2009/01) + Fernsehtip

Well, if you’re not familiar with German dialects, this is of no use for you…

Erinnert 'r euch no an 24 uf Schwäbisch, Schtirb langsam ond ’n Todesschtern? Jetz gibt’s glei a halbe Schtund drvo: “Was wär, wenn? – d’Welt uf Schwäbisch”, am nächschta Sunndich, 11.1., um 21:15 Uhr im SWR-Fernseha!

Hier isch dr Trailer:

» Infos beim SWR

(gfunda beim Sebbi)

Please smile

Ausschau haltend Just like last year: Welcome to the latest edition of “replying” to search queriesthis not so good when you wrong, so come to me now!

For those who don’t know yet: These search phrases, highlighted in grey, led people here, and I neither shortened nor extended them nor made them up, I just translated the German ones.

please smile

Best wishes!! Merry Christmas!
On Dec 29? A little late, isn’t it?

a good start into the new year but how?
Well, maybe you should start finding answers to this questions a little earlier than 4½ hours before New Year’s Day…

letter on my best girlfriend i am sorry
Then just take it off of her again – I do hope you didn’t staple or glue the letter on your girlfriend!

has the light…i don’t see your face no more….well well my love
i see your face no more…..broken heart…fell well…dream no more…
Your Frogotten In My Brain, But Forever Sitched In My Heart
Lovesick? She didn’t forgive you after that letter? Well… but don’t despair, it’s gonna be fine again…

broke my hear into a million pieces, but we can fuck til you sumtin jesus
Fucking’s not a bad idea – also a way to repress lovesickness… –, but what do you mean with “til you something Jesus”??

uri geler his show with eliens the whole show
Hmm, I got a report about Uri Geller’s show about aliens, but I can’t offer anything about someone rubbing gel on Eliens, whoever that is.

men thong boxer
Do you mean boxers – fist fighters? dogs? – in thongs? Or the question whether to wear “thongs or boxers?” or “thong-boxer” combinations? Well, never mind, better wear briefs. So, guys: Take off boxers, and go vacuuming without slip, because this is how i begin the new year. But beware, there may be panties thieves, so don’t keep your underwear lying around unattended!

ice angel porn
Given how cold it is, that’s no surprise. So better keep your panties on!

I got in my panties…
Yes, what?

Surely not on VHS tapes, those won’t fit inside panties. But films that cause your removal from the internet – maybe to jail? Better keep your hands off that crap!

how to scientifically predict lottery numbers
No way.

determine lotto numbers using faith
That won’t help either, the drawing balls won’t listen to your faith.

determine lotto numbers using God
Just as useless – or do you believe your god supports gambilng?
Well, those who first search for “determine using faith” and half an hour later for “determine using God” and click on the same post about pretended Global Scaling lotto prediction, might believe that, too…

the exact lotto numbers take time to be calculated
Sure, so much time until the drawing is over… So better save your useless efforts with your numbers.

not the lotto numbers the combinations
Ah. Well, you can calculate your chances, but that’s all.

Bye, that’s it for this week, and remember: i WanT eVeRYtHiNg YoU wIsHeD FoR bUt Of CoUrSe I hAd To TuRn InTo EvErYtHiNg YoU hAvE eVeR hAtEd AnD fEaReD!!!!!!!!!!eViL oN tHe RuN !!!!wAtCh OuT!!!!

Photo: Coka –