“I had to bend down”

Ausschau haltend Welcome to the latest edition of “replying” to search queriesDo you want it? Do you need it? Can you feel it?

For those who don’t know yet: These search phrases, highlighted in grey, led people here, and I neither shortened nor extended them nor made them up, I just translated the German ones.

“i had to bend down”
Yeah, I (1.90m = 6ft 3in) got to bend down here and there too – e.g. under low awnings or trees or of course at the edges of my roof-top apartment.

cimddwc blog
You found it – and yes, this is a blog!

self-igniting fire
For what? Fire is already burning, no need to ignite it again.

free seite . free monster tits
Did you mean: Freie page . freie Monstermeisen?

Tou Gurl 1 cup
Did you mean: 2 girls uon kop?

Heart Ponno New
:hearts: You can get hearts here, but you won’t find ponno (whatever that may be) nor hard porn. Neither old nor new.

shaving a man’s pubes ,in which studio?
Why not do it yourself?

does buffie the body let girls touch her ass in the club
Which club? Which Buffie? The Buffy I know from TV can’t be meant here…

Granny where’s your panties
There are questions to which I don’t want to know an answer. This is one of them.

the final countdown that’s your answer i’m kaiser
And there are qestions or statements that you don’t understand in the first place.

looto numers
Begg yor padon?

please i need 6 no fur germany lotto number
I see. Now what’s so hard about just picking 6 numbers from 1 to 49? But alright, since you said “please”: 1 2 3 47 48 49.

how to find my horoscope

  • The expensive method: buy it from an astrologer.
  • The cheap method: search for it on the net.
  • The really cheap method: dig through waste paper and stitch newspaper horoscope clippings together.
  • The funny method: here.
  • The sensible method: ignore them.

The end result will yield similarly sensible statements.

divining rod in homeopathy
Only a divining rod can find active agents in those little sugar balls…

the first new moon of 2009 and ancient knowledge
The ancient people certainly didn’t care about the moon this year.

predictions 2009 numerology
My prediction: In 2009, too, numerology will be as nonsensical as in 2008. Or in 2007. Or…

Now let’s briefly turn to the topic “What do domain names not look like”:
www.rtl/prophecy lotto numbe.de
www.maria esmeralda fortuneteller.com
www.hoerzu interview Dieter Broers.de
www.new yearssayings
www.over 40 sex .de
www.secret fuck mother-in-law.de
www.Pfaffenhofen an d. ILM.de

:bye: That’s it for this time, bye – and remember to put into your last will: when i die don’t marry me but hang my balls from a cherry tree.

Photo: Coka – Fotolia.com

Dear Mr Piece

Master Piece Lyoner

Dear Mr Piece,

even though your sausage doesn’t taste bad, I think you really could do without monosodium glutamate as flavor enhancer (and some added colorants) as well as the silly blank in the name (“Meister Stück” = “Master Piece” instead of “Meisterstück” = “masterpiece”).


The Next Uri Geller – 2nd season 2009 – Contestants and Pre-show report

This is a pre-show report about the second season from 2009. You may also:
» Display all my reports about this season 2.
» Display everything about the first season 2008.
» Display all articles about Uri Geller.

bent Let’s start this pre-report for once with a search request that brought someone here to my blog: no it’s starting again uri geller… Yeah, and like last year, I’m gonna report about these shows (each Tuesday at 20:15 on ProSieben Germany) near-live in German and do the English translations within a few days.

“Shocking Experiments?”

Brief “newsflash” from ProSieben last Saturday (like all other quotes: my translations):

“I will amaze the viewers with new experiments”, Uri Geller promises […] “Maybe I will even schock them – in a positive way.” Something to look forwart to.

The world-famous spoon deformer could only shock in a positive way if he admitted to not have any “extraordinary powers” but using tricks all the time. Surely he won’t, so I fear it will at most be an increased amount of his silly–mystical babble that will baffle the viewers.

“The mysterious Vincent Raven”

That was the title of a show last Tuesday in which Uri visited “raveb daddy” and 2008 winner Vincent Raven (Homepage). Vincent of course guided him through vaults and blathered with him on a cemetary about his beloved “otherworld”. Yeah, the “Anderswelt”, as he says in German – Vincent appears to really believe in that stuff… and thus it was mentioned “from time to time”. Uri, too, appears to be impressed – but among two magicians who sell themselves as real psychics, that’s no miracle. They also showed clips from “The Next Uri Geller” 2008, still displaying the tricks as real. And Geller often spoke in German with Vincent – seems he was well-prepared. (Who wrote the dialogs?)

Childhood memories of Raven’s were also a part of this show, and Vinnieboy could again prove that he is simply unable to tell a story in an interesting fashion, and that’s not just due to his accent and inflection. And, well, schadenfreude is assumed to be bad, but the best scene of this show was Uri Geller’s face when Corax, one of Raven’s ravens, bit his index finger (down to the bone) when he attempted to pet her once too often. Well, even a “mystifier” puts his trust in disinfectants, x-rays and antibiotics in such cases…

Ratings: 1.15 million (4.4% market share) total or 0.82m/7.0% in the 14–49-year-old target audience – the weakest show of Pro7’s evening, even “The 100 most annoying whatever” had 4.9%/8.8%.

Defending the Title

raven As was also mentioned in the Raven program: Vincent has to defend his title – “10 new contestants compete against Vincent Raven”. Luckily only in the finale, thus we’ll be spared Raven’s long-winded cawing in the beginning:

Vincent Raven, last year’s winner, will defend his title in the final. Only then will be decided in an exciting duel: Who is “The next Uri Geller”?

The Contestants

Though apparently being speculated about for yuite some time, e.g. at Freaks of Magic (German) – on Thursday ProSieben finally published the contestants on their website, and apparently not all of them are originally focusing on mental magic again (quotes from Pro7’s detail pages, translated):

Danny Ocean

Unfortunately (especially for the ladies who all appear to love George Clooney) not the character from the “Ocean’s Eleven” etc. movies, but “The misperceptionist from Nuremberg, 34 years old, real name Danny Meier. On his website he also calls himself “Reality Hacker”. Looks quite okay, basically, somehow a styled jack of all magic trades – at any rate, I think without his TNUG participants no-one would ever have written a text about him like that on ProSieben’s site (no matter if he wrote it by himself or the P7 guys did):

A drastic experience keeps its grip on Danny: Ten years ago, he was torn out of sleep one night and felt a foreign power that suddenly controlled his body. Searching an explanation, he noticed that he can do inexplicable things himself.

Gabriel and Daniel

“The mental doubles” Daniel Kalman and Gabriel Palacios, both 20, from Bern and Basel. Which is supposed to indicate a pretended telepathic connection: “but both almost always know what the other is currently doing – or better: what he is thinking.” Well, guess they won’t show a moaning porn-like way of talking like Vivian from season 1 (luckily)…

Manuel Horeth

“The smart thought twister” (30) from Salzburg. “He not only reads minds – he also looks into the future”, ProSieben says. On his noisy website (even the menu items are shouted!) he looks quite okay, actually. Hope he brings his two assistants with him…


Where does an “Indian shadow hunter” (37) come from? Bad Kreuznach, of course! And latest local fashion, as the Pro7 photo shows, is – mathing the seasons – naked upped body, Indian stuff and a, pardon, daft smile. His granny alledgedly was a “medicine womman in the clan of the shadow panthers” – can’t find that clan in Wikipedia, but on numerous World of Warcraft sites… Freaks of Magic give him an exotic bonus – though I fear that might not help much if he exaggerates things too much and rather makes a fool of himself. Well, we’ll see.
Update: His new homepage (which Peter reminded me about, thanks) – in the page title: “Waayatan Tecumsee Ohanse, Waayatan, Wajatan, Waijatan, Weijatan, Wajatan, Wayatan, Waiyatan, Weiyatan”. Should I do something similar here…? :)

Jan Becker

“Master of the thoughts” (33), Berlin, “a mental magic professional” (website); he “possesses the power about the most valuable that us human beings have: the freedom of our thoughts”, Pro7 says. Well, I still got my thoughts, and they’re saying that his apostrophe haircut looks wor’se than man’y fool’s apostrophe’s. At least we can hope that he knows his business…

Jan Rouven

The next Jan, “the man with the seven lives” (28), Neuwied. “Loves danger”; his homepage displays him, among other photos, impaled on a giant drill, the P7 photo with fire in his hand. Appears to me like a Gothic Copperfield… which doesn’t have to be bad as such, as long as he doesn’t overdo that image in his presentation.


“The irresistible pokerface” (30) from Münster (originally named Christian Finke in the overview), tossing around poker cards – “Muscular upper arms, six-pack and an irresistible smile. When Wenn Kris […] enters the stage, ladies’ hearts beat faster.” And I fear he might come across too clichéd and in essence boring… but I’d like to be convinced otherwise.

Ully Loup

“The soul wanderer” from Berlin, at an age of 47 the oldest of the contestants, whose website is still under construction. “Ully Loup is not like the others. He’s living seclusively and hides behind his mental abilities: He is an iridiscent, fascinating artist with a fateful childhood.” And with black gloves. The ProSieben photo somehow reminds me of a sort of sci-fi inquisitor or a Babylon 5 technomage…


“The magic seduction” (25) from Saarbrücken. According to Freaks of Magic also known as Belinda Roy. Will the new name being similar to Fujitsu Siemens Computers products be an advantage? Well, nobody will care, the “mental vamp” – “her shows are charged with eroticism” – is visually not uninteresting (*cough*), and I’m predicting that alone due to this she will at least reach the semi-final.

Aaron Crow

“The silent mentalist”, he’s not talking (36) and focusing on martial arts and the like – winner from the first Netherland season and already participating in the world finale on 4 March 2008. Probably Uri Geller said to himself: since that guy’s not talking, we can easily invite him again, so I got more opportunities to babble nonsense myself…

This and that

Raven’s “Amulet of the portals” (or whatever he calls the “Amulett der Pforten” in English) which he has shown before is also for sale in his shop at the bargain price of only 427 CHF (ca. 286€/390 USD) (46 mm diameter, silver) – that is, it were if it weren’t currently unavailable due to high demand 8O . And there is – probably a first – the novelization of the amulet:

A certain Vivienne Marceau, ProSieben reports, wrote a novel about the raven daddy (currently unavailable, though): “Vincent Raven – Das Amulett der Pforten”.

And as Wunschliste reports, last year’s finalist Farid gets his own show on ProSieben: “Street Magic with Farid” from 10 February at about 22:15 – five shows right after “The Next Uri Geller”.

There was also a fittingly placed Galileo Mystery – didn’t watch it, the skeptics’ GWUP blog got a critique in German.

See also:

» Click here to view all my posts about Uri Geller. »

Ruler of Discworld

Well, pro forma, the patricians – such as Fellmonsterchen – may be ruling Discworld, but the true power is, of course, in the hand of the Watchmen. So what does it tell us that I’m a Discworld Watchman according to this German personality test?1

Scheibenwelt-Test: Wache

And since Scheibenwelt.de lists the results so far next, I quickly made a clear pie chart – as you can easily see, us Watchmen hold the majority (ha!) ahead of Seamstresses and Undead:

Scheibenwelt-Test: Prozent
cowards, wizards, seamstresses, patricians, witches, assasins, dwarfs, trolls, watchmen, undead, librarians

  1. I’m leaving it to the readers to find the answer. []

The Ultimate Rock God

Freddie Mercury Elvis may have be the king of rock’n’roll, but God, of course, can only be Freddie! :)

Even though an online poll among a meager 4000 fans (selected how? those who happened to come across the poll?) is anything but representative… a British tabloid had a brief report, Skiddle wrote a bit more about it, and Rockantenne mentioned it on the radio this morning. And I, being a Queen fan, have to write about it here, of course…

A spokesman of Onepoll (where the poll was held) said:

Everybody loved Freddie Mercury, his theatrical performances on-stage were incredible and set him apart from other rock stars.

Got nothing to add here – except for the Top 20, of course (taken from Skiddle). Queen guitarist Brian May also made this list:

  1. Freddie Mercury (Queen)
  2. Elvis Presley
  3. Jon Bon Jovi
  4. David Bowie
  5. Jimi Hendrix
  6. Ozzy Osbourne (Black Sabbath)
  7. Kurt Cobain (Nirvana)
  8. Slash (Guns N’ Roses)
  9. Bono (U2)
  10. Mick Jagger (The Rolling Stones)
  11. Axl Rose (Guns N’ Roses)
  12. Dave Grohl (Foo Fighters)
  13. Jim Morrison (The Doors)
  14. Paul McCartney (The Beatles)
  15. Steven Tyler (Aerosmith)
  16. Robert Plant (Led Zeppelin)
  17. Brian May (Queen)
  18. James Hetfield (Metallica)
  19. Jimmy Page (Led Zeppelin)
  20. Bruce Dickinson (Iron Maiden)