Another snail-mail scam with a pretended poll like that mineral oil one…
“The Next Uri Geller” show 1 (2nd season 2009) – Opinion, tricks, explanations
This is a report about one of the second season shows from 2009. You may also:
» Display all my reports about this season 2.
» Display everything about the first season 2008.
» Display all articles about Uri Geller.
So what can we expect today, which hopefully entertaining magic tricks and performances and which mystic Geller babble? In the press release, ProSieben features the “poker mentalist” Kris – with tattoos of the card colors, alledgedly “the sign of a secret poker guild” –, quoting him: “I can influence luck”. (All quotes are my translations.) Yo, anyone can so by cheating, so watch out you don’t get caught.
The other contestants today are Jan Becker (“reads his opposite’s mind like an open book”), Ully Loup (“plays a dangerous game with the angel of death” – also a raven…?), Jan Rouven (“risks being pierced with a burning arrow” – wouldn’t that rather be a trick for the Kreuznach Indian?) and Danny Ocean (“even bends forks to become the next spoon bender” ).
Celebs are needed, too: Tatort actressn Simone Thomalla, singer and comedian Bürger Lars Dietrich and Next Topmodel (required) fourth Carolin Ruppert:
Carolin […] feels “an eerie anticipation. Hopefully it won’t be that bad. I must spend the night after the show alone…”
Oh, I believe a few male viewers would like to change that…
Alright, the show starts – “a new chapter, a new dimension”… We’re starting with the 10 contestants in a semi-circle with two strange haircuts at the ends and the lady in the center. Host Stefan Gödde arrives and briefly explains that Vincent Raven, last year’s winner, will defend his title. Quick candidate introduction (see above), then Spoon-Uri waves hello. He’s still overwhelmed from the success of the first season and is sure that the 2nd will become even better. Quick explanation of how it works: One of the contestants is voted out, but Geller can “immunize” one.
New: There will be big “live experiments” (yeah, that’s how they call it…) outside the studio (though that did that last time, too, but pre-recorded) – and Verena “cleavage of the show” Wriedt enters the stage(!), she will be the outdoor host. The flaming arrow archers are shown. Verena in the cold – fully dressed, that is? Can’t work out.
Vincent Raven briefly appears; Uri takes his seat; and the celebriies are introduced (see above). Note to the cameramen: portrait closeups do not need to be cut off right beneath the shoulders. Photo of Caro with falcon on her arm – “what if it were Vincent’s raven”? Probably wouldn’t have felt well, she says. Vincent sits alone in the 2nd row behind the cebs, and the other 5 contestants in the 3rd. And a viewer is to confirm they’re broadcasting live – though he doesn’t have a TV with him. But we know this from season one already.
Contestant 1: Jan Becker
Musik des Jahres 2008 – Auswertung der Blog-Parade
The results of my blog carnival – since there was no English participant, there’s no English text.
So, meine Blog-Parade ist vorbei, schreiten wir also zur Auswertung. Gefragt waren euer Song, Album und Konzert/Live-DVD des vergangenen Jahres – vielen Dank an die 21 Teilnehmer! Und da 21>20, wurden natürlich auch Single und Album verlost (siehe unten).
Eine Hitliste lässt sich bei diesem vielseitigen Geschmack natürlich nicht erstellen – aber ein paar Ergebnisse/Erkenntnisse kann ich doch auflisten und Besonderheiten nennen:
- Es gab noch weniger Gemeinsamkeiten als letztes Jahr, wo wenigstens ein Song 3½x und ein Konzert 5x genannt wurde – diesmal konnte kein Künstler mehr als 2 Teilnehmer für sich gewinnen.
- Knapp die Hälfte der Teilnehmer nannte Künstler mehrfach in verschiedenen Kategorien.
- Aus Unterneuntupfing kam natürlich ein satirischer Beitrag.
- Sam hat eine Wertung in einer interessanten weiteren Kategorie vergeben: “Das Konzert, aus dem ich dieses Jahr mit den meisten blauen Flecken rausgekommen bin, war DiscoEnsemble.”
- symBadisch hat noch die EP (Sixpence None The Richer) und die schönste Special Edition (Snow Patrol) des Jahres hinzugefügt.
- Julia macht gleich zwei Listen: eine mit Glasvegas, eine mit anderen Bands.
- Und weil’s zum Thema Musik passt, hier noch eine kleine Ankündigung: Ab morgen gibt’s wieder mein Musik-Quiz – jeden Dienstag um 16 Uhr, morgen wieder die Bilderrätsel-Variante.
Die Teilnehmer
Time (Projekt 52/02) and God and anyway…
Nice occasion to combine two topics in one post… The topic of week 2 in Sari’s photo Projekt 52:
Links (and Videos) of the Week (2009/02)
(Videos are not embedded this time.)
- Icy days and nights – great (but also some kitschy) photos at The Big Picture.
- Revolutionary products from Apple: A notebook without keyboard and a tiny notebook with just one key (videos; via ad and TweakPC).
- Astrologie ist Unsinn! – Astrology is nonsense, German, already lots of comments.
- Quark stars as magnetars.
- Great hulahoop dancer (video; via Conny)