
knüll Good feeling if you can crumple an A4-sized sheet full of things to do and toss it in the bin because everything is done… and thus my new theme is finished already today! A few notes:

  • I made the theme myself. (I used the default theme as code base, but there’s not much left of it.) It’s hard to publish because there a quite a few things tailored to specifics of y blog; and including header images isn’t trivial either (besides I’m not sure about the redistribution licence of some of the photos (those I didn’t make myself))…
  • Default fonts are the “C” fonts from Microsoft – Calibri (text), Cambria (headlines), Constantia (poems etc.), Consolas (code); I don’t use Candara and Corbel here – which are included with Windows Vista and Office 2007 (and the free PowerPoint viewer) (» more info). They’re optimized for ClearType font smoothing and look quite elegant then – the first screenshot shows the “ideal” example (for those who don’t have the fonts); the second shows IE6 without smoothing and with the substitute fonts (Tahoma etc.):
    cim3 ideal cim3 IE6
  • Some rounded elements (e.g. the search box in the top right corner) need a sensible browser for this display. ;)
  • Instead of four randomly selected small header images there’s just one per month now – but larger. (With a few exceptions with additional images, such as on new year’s day.)
  • If you notice any errors – or something that looks ugly – please tell me. And I don’t mind any expressios of opinions. :)
  • Update: … and the comments now are working again (thanks for the info)… seems I tested that only in my WP2.7 beta test installation.

Depilate the moon calendar?

Ausschau haltend Welcome to the latest edition of “replying” to search queriesyou nackt? Ich am not.

For those who don’t know yet: These search phrases, highlighted in grey, led people here, and I neither shortened nor extended them nor made them up, I just translated the German ones.

Let’s turn to unusual fetishes first: shopping carts without panties — now that’s not hard, just don’t buy panties in a big supermarket (and clothing shops don’t have shopping carts anyway) – and streets. street naked bottomless, of course. A street that’s been washed out underneath? Watch out, it might collapse!

Also a highly sought-after topic: men were more thongs — what, more thongs at the same time than women? Rather from the washing machine to the clothesline, guess it’s too uncomfortable on the body. But what will transsexuals like you and me do? Do they tell each other: show me your ass – translation to english — nothing to translate here, so we can get down to business right away: i find me a german girlfriend for sex in germany — now I wouldn’t mind a foreigner in Germany or a German abroad; hope that was no stupid nazi.

Like a riddle in between? Riddle – 1: You are in a square room, A window in each wall and all windows face south, a bear walks past what colour is it and where are you? (Solution below if you do not find it yourself.)

What’s the current phase of the moon, by the way? I should depilate moon calendar; and who wouldn’t like to know if full moon or new moon good for play lotto? After all you’d want lucky lotto numbers, maybe this warms YOUR HART, the light shines through my heart — come to think of it, it rather sounds like a bullet wound when light shines through a heart. And if not, turn on a lamp – your electricity meter is fuctioing, isn’t it? What’s electricity meter function without n if not “fuctio”? By the way, didn’t you notice: she photographed the electricity meter! Am I blind if you don’t see it? am i blind? can’t you see me standing here waiting in line?

Will aliens arrive on 21 december 2008? — Why should they? There won’t be any in four years either. — earth in 2012 really in dangere researchers report — real researchers won’t report anything, because such end-of-the-world prophecies are utter crap. Which doesn’t mean they can’t be combined in even crappier ways: prophecy atlantis dancer — and what’s the dancer doing? Making a ufo reportash? But tell her to take only real ufo videos (of real extraterrestrials)! Here are all links to such videos:


If that won’t work out, she can still join 11 other girls and shoot a video herself: 12 girls 1 champagne — they should just take at least a Jeroboam bottle, or else it won’t be enough for all. But don’t drink too much, otherwise something like this will be the result: SO MAkE ME LAUGh A LittLE;hELp ME gEt thROUGh. i USEd tO CRy ANd NO ONE kNEW.hELp ME OUt ANd tREAt ME RiGht.iTS bEEN A WHiLE SiNCE i’vE SMilEd tHiS BRigHt.SHOW ME tHAt NOt ALL gUyz LiE bE tHE ONE WHO kEEPs My EyES DRy

*hic* :bye: That’s it, gotta stop for today, the water calls to me and tells me to come in.

Oh, the riddle: You’re at the north pole, of course – at least if it’s currently frozen over, or it will be hard for a polar bear to walk by (which is white, of course).

Photo: Coka – Fotolia.com


Another “great” offer for paid links arrived today by e-mail with the subject “An interesting Business Offer”:


Mistake 1: No personal address – so it’s likely that the sender didn’t really look at the blog.

I am webmaster of a few personal websites.

Mistake 2: Not a single one of these is given.

While looking for more related sites, I came across https://cimddwc.net/. I found your site very pleasing and would love to purchase text-links to my sites on it.

Mistake 2 repeated; mistake 3: No specification on how much the sender is offering to pay.

Please do come back on this with your views.

You get them here. If you actually happen to read it, that is.

Awaiting your response,

Liza Silva

Correct 1: A name is given, and it even matches the sender’s Google mail address.
Mistake 2 repeated again.

Conclusion: Not like this. If the sender really had related sites that also had a certain quality, he or she would not have to resort to “blind” link purchase but could instead just advertise the sites and hope that the recipient likes them so much he might even link to them of his own will. Which doesn’t mean that advertising sites by mail were recommended, since that’s just another kind of spam.

And the mandatory question begging for comments at the end: Are you receiving similar mails, too?

Truth and Exchange

Blondy My visit to a mysticism trade fair was quite some time ago – somehow I was (or am?) a little out of ideas in this regard… anyway, here’s a little slagging exchage of the clairvoyant truth, or something like that. (Note that all quotations are my translations from the German originals.)

Did you ever ask yourself:

“Clairvoyance – what is that?”

Thus also the title of a leaflet that was available at the fair. The answer:

Clairvoyance is having the picture that corresponds to the truth!

Pictures from the past, the present and the future, for oneself and also for others.

And what’s convenient about that: The clairvoyants define their own truth! And if that wasn’t enough: They also paint their own pictures of it for themselves (and their customers)! I really got the wrong job…

But how to reach truth? Who can show the way? Is it the…

“Gate of Love”?

Subtitle: “Love – Light – Unity”. It continues (in the web):

You don’t need to become anything – because you are everything.
You don’t need to search anything – because you have everything.
You are what you are: EVERYTHING

But what is the lady trying to sell, then? Isn’t that a little counterproductive?

I accompany you full of love in getting conscious about your eternal truth:
Everything is forever perfect in you.

Oh, company. Won’t be a typical escort service, I guess… But anyway, why accompany me if I’m everything already anyway and don’t need to find anything, got no path I must go? Hence don’t need a sign-post:

Joy be your sign-post.

jumping in joy The joy of having found yet another escape route from reality? The joy of the provider to have convinced another customer and/or see his/her bank account grow bigger?

The sign-post saying is from the leaflet, by the way, which shows such sayings for several categories of offers along with their descriptions which I left out here.

Aura reading and cleansing … If your light fills the entire room, nothing can manipulate you.

But somehow those mysticism providers always find a shadowy corner.

Rainbow massage … Let yourself be touched inside, so you will be carried by the light of love.

Hey, that sounds interesting. But am I the only one who sees double meanings here – I mean, this sentence at a massage, that really makes one think about, erm, services where the name “massage studio” is just pretextual, doesn’t it?

Systematic constellations … Everything is connected with everything, love is the connecting power.

Or everything is gone from the bank account, money is the disappearing power.

Channeled meditation evening … The new earth blossoms from the dreams of your heart.

Rather in than from the dreams – now in winter, neither on old nor on new earth will be any blossoms.

Energetic cleansing and clearing of home and working place

I really don’t need that one, I can turn off my electric energy myself.

A power place is a place where love, beauty and harmony left their traces.
(Distance cleansing also possible)

And a fighting place is a place where hate, beating and harming left their traces. (Just cleansing at a distance will be hard.) But what does this have to do with my being EVERYTHING already? And if I’m EVERYTHING already, then I’m the following, too:

“Union of male and female – The unity in human-being”

Either it’s the (unintentional?) ambiguities that won’t stop here (like this one on one of the cheap colored slips that were inside the professional-looking leaflet), or it’s just my always dirty mind. But no, it’s supposed to be “fulfilling for couples and singles alike”, and “there will be no sexual acts since it’s about an inner working”. Aawwwww…

This seminar is inspired by Jesus and Mary Magdalene who speak and work through me. Jesus and Mary Magdalene are light-beings who have completed this union of male and female.

Jesus and women Oh, so we’re a self-proclaimed prophet or channel for divine powers now, too. Sure, don’t miss a thing. And what does the old Bavarian feller in Rome think about that? Even if the girl from Magdala doesn’t have the bad reputation she had in earlier times – but a being of light?? Hmm, could the Vatican – and all churches, for that matter – save on energy costs for lighting if this light-being thing gets around? Just put up a few Jesus and Magdalene statues, they glow on their own!

(Or did I misunderstand something here?)

But it’s not just light and man+woman – we need some healing, too, of course:

“Healing power of the Divine – How Jesus was working”

In this seminar, we receive inductions into the healing power from the fount of unity.

What did these providers do when the DDR (East Germany) still existed, i.e. before the German reunification, anyway?

He will speak and work through me in multiple meditations and inductions, when the energy of the healing power will come alive in you. […]
Your healing is the acknowledgment of the truth!

Oh, yes, the beloved truth. And if someone gets well after such a meditation evening, but not because of it? What’s the truth then? Ah, forget it, in those cricles nobody will regard subtleties like this.

Now the quiz at the end: What do you call the costs and seminar fees if it is to sound more selfless? Exactly:


E.g. an exchange of 30/60/90€ for 30/60/90 minutes of massage or session, 150€ for a weekend seminar – which of course “will be enhanced more and more over several weekends” – or just only 15€ for an introductory meditation evening with “healing circle”. Actually, “exchange” is quite a good term for it – not just from the provider’s point of view who is soooooo generous and wants to enrich us that much spiritually –, because folks will exchange a part of his or her sanity and reason for yet another phantasy.

And for mystic phantasies, it seems, the sky’s the limit…

Photos: Rissmu/sxc, lusi/sxc, franckb/sxc