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Autoritative Ketten(re)aktion

A German blogs’ link campaign…

tobiwei.de und drumba.de veranstalten derzeit eine “Pimp my Technorati Authority”-Blogkette ähnlich der im August, die durch gegenseitige Verlinkungen einerseits dazu dient, die eigene Technorati-Authority zu erhöhen (wenn man denn Wert darauf legt; und ältere Links fallen ja nach sechs Monaten aus deren Zählung heraus) und andererseits neue Blogs kennenzulernen sowie selbst eventuell neue Leser zu finden. Was bei mir damals auch recht gut geklappt hat. :)

add to Technorati

Wie’s genau geht, ist am besten bei den Veranstaltern nachzulesen. Im wesentlichen sind das der eigene Beitrag, die Veröffentlichung der Liste nach Ende der Aktion am kommenden Sonntag, die Favorisierung der Blogs (geht auch jetzt schon) sowie die Zusatzbedingung, fünf Blogs zu nennen, die man häufig liest (um nebenbei auch diese darauf aufmerksam zu machen) – und da nenne ich mal:

Draußen nur Kännchen
Sam online

Hoffentlich fühlt sich jetzt keiner der vielen anderen übergangen… :)

Eine(n) Suchbegriff(skombination) für den Link in der Liste kann man auch nennen, und da wähle ich mal meinen Vornamen “Andreas”. Auch wenn das für mich kaum was bringen dürfte, suchergebnistechnisch gesehen. :mrgreen:

Aids – yes, it still exists…

Welt-Aids-Tag Saturday after next, December 1, is World Aids Day – an important and serios matter (Aids, not just that one day). “There is no cure for Aids. And every year, three million people are dying worldwide from the conequences of Aids, 40 million are HIV infected. And the number of new infections is rising again here, too, for several years.” (quote from www.welt-aids-tag.de, translated)

World AIDS Day, observed December 1 each year, is dedicated to raising awareness of the AIDS pandemic caused by the spread of HIV infection. It has been taken up by governments, international organizations and charities around the world. Its symbol is the red ribbon, which also has got its place in the header of my blog now. (mostly from Wikipedia)

In Great Britain, there’s a campaign named G.I.Jonny “to inform and protect” which offers, besides information, “real stories” from six young people to listen to, and you can create your own (virtual) action figure, which might e.g. look like mine:


G.I.Jonny via [this-time-not-]Just4Fun (German; Alex already made a baton out of it)

World Toilet Day

Today, on November 19, is World Toilet Day, declared by the World Toilet Organization – who would have thought something like that exists?

But there’s a meaning to it, befauce over 2.6 billion people don’t have toilets at all – and for many more, the situation isn’t much better. Which isn’t all too good for people’s health, much too often there’s bad hygiene, and the excrements are discharged directly into the environment.


The United Nations claim that more than 5 million children die every year from sanitation related diseases such as diarrhoea. More than a billion people without sanitary facilities relieve themselves on streets and in rivers, heavily polluting the water. The most important source of water contamination in developing countries is due to the lack of adequate sanitation facilities. Although public toilets are available in most countries, most of them are poorly maintained.

The WTO envisages clean, safe, affordable, ecologically sound and sustainable sanitation. It aims to advocate sustainable toilet systems through capacity building and public education, and by implementing real time projects.

(via kultpavillon via BloggerAmt)

Class action suit: Just one week left!

For the class action suit against data retention (in Germany), organized by the Arbeitskreis Vorratsdatenspeicherung here, you have to register and mail your power of attorney by 19 Nov 2007 – so don’t hesitate too long!

Important: To participate, you must register AND mail the downloadable standard power of attorney form signed by you. Except for this postage (and maybe your internet access), there will be no costs.

Stop data retention - www.vorratsdatenspeicherung.de