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Poll: Men in Thongs

Since there are several visitors interested in men’s thongs/strings or string/thong men showing up here but finding only my Lego joke, I thought I’ll do a serious poll about this topic:

Guys: Do you wear thongs? / Girls: Does your boyfriend/husband wear thongs?

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double thong The “Yes” answers are not intended to imply you’re wearing exclusively strings/thongs, occasional thong wearers may (and should) also reply with “yes”.

And for quibblers similar to myself: The answers are verbalized from the men’s point of view; women who want to answer please imagine them re-worded accordingly, referring to your boyfriend/husband…

Privacy notice: If you have commented on this blog before and don’t want me (and only me, this is never public) to see what you voted, you must delete your respective cookies or use a different browser. :)

(Photo by m197203 on flickr.com – CC license by-nc-nd)

Christina Aguilera without panties is “in”

The StoiBär (German) already has his fun with people searching for Christina Aguilera without panties on German Google (English search)– his post is already number 2 1 (varying in the Top 5) in the German Google results, and that without any really celebrity gossip relevant content. :D

So let me add to that – but first, a little hint: If you’re looking for photos, no matter if it’s Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera or someone else without panties, slip or any other kind of underwear, better use the image search than the web search (though for very new events, it may be not that fast)

You want an image of Christina Aguilera without panties? Completely uncensored? There you are:

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Aids – yes, it still exists…

Welt-Aids-Tag Saturday after next, December 1, is World Aids Day – an important and serios matter (Aids, not just that one day). “There is no cure for Aids. And every year, three million people are dying worldwide from the conequences of Aids, 40 million are HIV infected. And the number of new infections is rising again here, too, for several years.” (quote from www.welt-aids-tag.de, translated)

World AIDS Day, observed December 1 each year, is dedicated to raising awareness of the AIDS pandemic caused by the spread of HIV infection. It has been taken up by governments, international organizations and charities around the world. Its symbol is the red ribbon, which also has got its place in the header of my blog now. (mostly from Wikipedia)

In Great Britain, there’s a campaign named G.I.Jonny “to inform and protect” which offers, besides information, “real stories” from six young people to listen to, and you can create your own (virtual) action figure, which might e.g. look like mine:


G.I.Jonny via [this-time-not-]Just4Fun (German; Alex already made a baton out of it)

Moan and Save 4 Cents

Just found on the Blogwiese (German) where you can listen to an erotic (and somewhat unintentionally(?) funny) moaning of the current date (in German), by a woman or a man (if you want your IP address in English, see here) – and also found this ad for a different internet provider:

Save 4 cents

Ad on a web page saying “You are surfing via… this costs you at least 19.99€ per month. You could save with… for only 19.95€ up to 0.04€”. Note the enormous saving potential and the strange comparison between at least 19,99€ and saving up to 4 Cent…

Assembly is…

:kissm: What can be done with the Linux shell can also be done with x86 Assembly language – maybe a little less safe ;) but with direct access^^ (note that “BH” is German for “bra”):

        enter 0xCafe,0xC
        not [0xbadFace]
   lock leave
        push bh
        test ah,0xDD
        pop bh
   lock enter 0xBed,2
        call si
    rep mov ah,0h
times 9 mwait
        call 0xDad

Even when reading several times (hint!), even with the help that pops up when hovering over the dashed underlined items – probably no-one except me will understand that. But, well, I don’t care…. :mrgreen: