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Projekt 52 topic 7: Monster [under the bed]

The topic of week 7 in Sari’s photo Projekt 52:

Monster under the bed

I’ll take the liberty to ignore the “under the bed” part – this house monster is simply too good:

Or a little lighter (depends on your monitor’s settings how it looks for you):

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An alien on the lap!

Paging unsuspectingly through the latest issue of bild der wissenschaft (German popular science magazine), what did my eyes see in an article on astronomy history: Galileo has drawn an alien on the lap of a man (with face mask?) – on the moon! Don’t believe it? See yourself – on the left the original drawing (from Wikipedia)1, on the right with colors so you can see it more clearly:

galileo-moon galileo-moon-color

Or what are you seeing?


( :loll: Yes, of course that’s only a joke! — See “pareidolia”.)

  1. the one on the lower left corner, rotated by 180° as in the bdw []