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Projekt 52

Projekt 52 week 13: Show me your feet

The topic of week 13 in Sari’s photo Projekt 52:

Show me your feet
I love feet photos, I think they are ingenious, showing the world from a completely different point of view. […] – examples.

Well, such feet photos that have been showing up on other blogs from time to time never did anything for me. But for the sake of completeness – not to skip a week of this project ;) – there you are:

13: Show me your feet

Week 13: Show me your feet

My feet in warm socks.

Projekt 52 week 12: Childhood memories (part 1)

The topic of week 12 in Sari’s photo Projekt 52:

Childhood memories

Well, this of course also means toys, and in my case especially Lego! I never cared much about the age specification, ;) though with the years it became more and more like “construct → let it stand somewhat like a model → reconstruct”, without playing with it in other ways – and at one point, of course, “deconstruct and put away”.

But not everything: My favorite series always were the blue space ships with yellow windowsm and in various shapes, a collection of bricks survived the times, for some years now in a combination of which this shows some detail:

12: Childhood memories (1)

Week 12: Childhood memories (1)

A Lego spaceship in closeup – who wants can imagine about the brave commander, ready to fly his space cruiser out of the space station’s dock (bright as the background is, this can’t be in empty space), on to new adventures… but to me in later years, such stories were irrelevant, it was just about the construction of the ships…

The attentive reader will have noticed the “part 1” in the title – that’s right, in a few days, part 2 will follow with an early favorite garment of mine which is at my parents’ whom I’ll visit at easter…

Update: » Here’s part 2.

Projekt 52 Week 11: My route to work

The topic of week 10 in Sari’s photo Projekt 52:

My route to work, school etc.

Well, what can you show when you’re working at home? First I thought I’d just take a closeup of my floor, but that would be too boring… and I don’t have a nice staircase like Cindy either on the way to my desk. So in the end, I picked this:

11: My route to work

Week 11: My route to work

View from my corridor to the right part of my desk – the PCs are behind the corner.

But that’s all out of focus!

  • That’s intentional.
  • See sharp in the morning??
  • And it fits to the question “What will the work day bring?”

Pretty low point of view!

  • Well, I can only drag myself crawling to work in the morning.

(No, the “answers” aren’t all serious. :mrgreen: )

Projekt 52 Week 10: Architecture

The topic of week 10 in Sari’s photo Projekt 52:


Well, Pfaffenhofen doesn’t have that many eye-catching modern architecture, the main square (which has some nice old-style buildings, including the town hall) are a big construction site right now, and I didn’t want to take some photos from the archive such as the Neue Messe Stuttgart (whose parking garage I had used for a picture riddle) or the new shopping mall in Heilbronn which was almost finished last Christmas.

So I chose these two pictures:

10: Architecture (1)

Week 10: Architecture

The “House of Meeting” at the western end of the main square in Pfaffenhofen – with library, gallery, tourist office and music school.

10: Architecture (2)

Week 10: Architecture

A birdhouse…