This error – much too often. And other performance and reachability problems. Not only today, but especially often today.
I’ll move. Away from 1blu. Much too late? Maybe.
(Thoughts/questions about alternatives in German only.)
This error – much too often. And other performance and reachability problems. Not only today, but especially often today.
I’ll move. Away from 1blu. Much too late? Maybe.
(Thoughts/questions about alternatives in German only.)
No, not this one here. It’s the “Conservapedia”, self-proclaimed “trustworthy encyclopedia” with lots of information “information” and “educational” articles of American arch conservatives. At least that’s what Skepchick Rebecca – she also created a nice graphic for this award – says with regard to the Conservapedia’s statistics:
Most viewed pages
1. Main Page [1,951,628]
2. Homosexuality [1,811,919]
3. Homosexuality and Hepatitis [518,399]
4. Homosexuality and Parasites [453,067]
5. Gay Bowel Syndrome [429,888]
6. Homosexuality and Promiscuity [422,592]
7. Homosexual Couples and Domestic Violence [374,457]
8. Homosexuality and Gonorrhea [332,264]
9. Homosexuality and Anal Cancer [294,854]
10. Homosexuality and Mental Health [294,226]
Update 27 Nov: Apparently these numbers were “slightly” fudged using bots, for the fun(?) of it – see the comments at Infothought. It seems, though, that the folks from Conservapedia don’t mind (see comment from the “anonymous coward” loc.cit.)…
This is post # 200 in this li’l blog o’ mine (don’t get confused by the number in the URL, that one also counts drafts, pages and uploads). I know, others might just raise a light smile, at best, at these numbers, but… so be it.
To let this post have some meaning, I’m gonna “answer” a few questions that I have been approached with through the search engines (and I’ve translated the German ones for you):
…but for a blog:
How many HTML elements can you remember in 5 minutes? With 74 out of 91 (including tags that are frowned upon today) I can say I’m not out of practice:
(via Fearblog)
This is about a German blog directory; “Amt” = office, agency, “Schnapszahl” = multi-digit number with all numbers equal.
Das neue Blog-Verzeichnis BloggerAmt hat derzeit 444 Blogs eingetragen:
Na denn Prost bei dieser Schnapszahl!
Die Top100-Liste dort basiert übrigens auf der Bewertung durch andere, der Anzahl der Favorisierungen (ja, das gibt’s auch) und der durchschnittlichen Beiträge pro Tag – mal was anderes. Das “schwarze Brett” und die wechselnde Stichprobe finde ich auch gut gelöst – auf jeden Fall übersichtlicher als bei
Und eine witzig-