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The gayest site on the web! [Update]

No, not this one here. It’s the “Conservapedia”, self-proclaimed “trustworthy encyclopedia” with lots of information “information” and “educational” articles of American arch conservatives. At least that’s what Skepchick Rebecca – she also created a nice graphic for this award – says with regard to the Conservapedia’s statistics:

Most viewed pages

1. Main Page‎ [1,951,628]
2. Homosexuality‎ [1,811,919]
3. Homosexuality and Hepatitis‎ [518,399]
4. Homosexuality and Parasites‎ [453,067]
5. Gay Bowel Syndrome‎ [429,888]
6. Homosexuality and Promiscuity‎ [422,592]
7. Homosexual Couples and Domestic Violence‎ [374,457]
8. Homosexuality and Gonorrhea‎ [332,264]
9. Homosexuality and Anal Cancer‎ [294,854]
10. Homosexuality and Mental Health‎ [294,226]


Update 27 Nov: Apparently these numbers were “slightly” fudged using bots, for the fun(?) of it – see the comments at Infothought. It seems, though, that the folks from Conservapedia don’t mind (see comment from the “anonymous coward” loc.cit.)…

200, or: So many questions…

This is post # 200 in this li’l blog o’ mine (don’t get confused by the number in the URL, that one also counts drafts, pages and uploads). I know, others might just raise a light smile, at best, at these numbers, but… so be it.

To let this post have some meaning, I’m gonna “answer” a few questions that I have been approached with through the search engines (and I’ve translated the German ones for you):

  • give it to me baby ah ah
    Sure. Let’s start!
  • baby can you listen to me
    I’m all ears, go ahead.
  • do you think you can fool me eric
    Wrong door, there’s no Eric here.
  • what the best birthday letter that i give to my honey :kussm:
    Ooooh, that’s a hard problem, who understands the women anyway? Sorry, can’t help you, I don’t want to risk that my suggestion might not be the right one for your lady…
  • how can it be that none of the deeper questions cross your mind? are you afraid to find surprises?
    And you are asking me that? (But at least you are using question marks!)
  • lotto higher winning chance which numbers should i take
    Well, if you’d only knew that in advance… but with selling pretended prognoses, it appears, there’s more money to be made than with using them yourself…

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Schnaps at the Office

This is about a German blog directory; “Amt” = office, agency, “Schnapszahl” = multi-digit number with all numbers equal.

Das neue Blog-Verzeichnis BloggerAmt hat derzeit 444 Blogs eingetragen:

BloggerAmt 444

Na denn Prost bei dieser Schnapszahl!

Die Top100-Liste dort basiert übrigens auf der Bewertung durch andere, der Anzahl der Favorisierungen (ja, das gibt’s auch) und der durchschnittlichen Beiträge pro Tag – mal was anderes. :) Das “schwarze Brett” und die wechselnde Stichprobe finde ich auch gut gelöst – auf jeden Fall übersichtlicher als bei

Und eine witzig-nutzlos(?)-nette “BlogMatrix” gibt’s jetzt auch. :mrgreen: