“Cuckoo”. Don’t be shy. “Excuse delay”. Never mind, you’re here now, so we can start commenting a fine little selection of search queries (displayed in italics with grey background; I translated the German ones) that led visitors here in October.
“no” – sorry, there’s no getting around it.
“searching for something something”. You should know what you’re searching for before you feed that to Google. “about”. C’mon, not you too, the other 70 people are enough, for whatever reason they search for that – and get here (via Microsofts Live Search)!
“listen”! Okay, I’m all ears. “advent advent a” – stop, hold it, wait a few more weeks, okay? Something else, please. “fidirallala”. Is that all you have to offer? “it make’s me just feel like crying baby”. (“I have got no doubt” that there was an apostrophy too many.)
“God speak to me”. If he doesn’t here you, you might need a prayer antenna. But “what would you ask god”?
“I’m looking for magic love quotes”. I doubt God will tell you some, but notify me when you found some, okay?
“The devil wears praguers”. Well, there surely are some sinners in Prague. Guys that “reed devil’s bible”, for instance, or some like you: “manipulated dice to buy”. Won’t find that here. Shame on you! “your sin will find you out”!
“the wrong way of playing lotto” is of course with “lotto numbers to buy”. But what do you mean with “lotto numbers out of the kafe”?
There are also many requests for translations. I’m gonna answer a few: “what does ois mean ??”: “everything” (Bavarian dialect). “what does hello wien mean”: “Hello Wien (Vienna)”. “halloween english”: “Halloween”. “hotpants english” Ho— enough, I’m tired of that.
“You are so good baby”. Thanks! But who are you, calling me “baby”? Maybe “Anghela”? “She’s the best you’ve ever had”. Regarding language humor, in any case.
“diapered in public” – “if you don’t make it yourself it ain’t fun”. Well, dunno, that’s really not my thing. I’d very much prefer thongs, then – the English speaking part of the world is mostly still asking “do men wear thongs”, the Germans already know: “men wear thongs”, even “everyone wears thongs”. Well, almost, I considered it a little too cold for me today…
Well then, bye and “all the best”!
“Einer geht noch einer geht noch rein” (there’s still room for one more) – okay:
“asian beauties nude”. There you are! Show picture ▼
(Angkor Wat, Cambodia)