Gewinnspiele zum Jahresende

I’m just participating in a few German competitions/raffles here…

Nur mal schnell bei ein paar Gewinnspielen mitmachen:

Bei kann man einen Fallschirmsprung gewinnen (oder, wofür ich mich im Gewinnfalle entscheiden würde, 200€) und je nach Teilnehmeranzahl noch ein paar kleine Amazon-Gutscheine – bis 31.12.

Bei gibt’s ein HTC Touch HD, also ein nettes Smartphone, zu gewinnen. Gewinne bestimmt ich, schließlich hab ich mir erst letzte Woche ein neues Handy gekauft (wenn auch kein so tolles) – beim iPod nano war’s ja ähnlich. ;)

Oder ich gewinne wieder bei Der Gutschein-Blog, das1 auch wieder etwas zu bieten hat – Gutscheine wie einen C&A-Gutschein sowieso, im Gewinnspiel dann ein MacBook Air und (übers Newsletter-Abo) eine Wii. Bis 24.12.

Genauso lang geht noch das iPod-Touch-Gewinnspiel bei, bei dem man auch sein Lieblingsgadget des Jahres nennen soll. Ich hoffe doch, es geht nicht darum, dass es erst dieses Jahr erschienen ist, denn für mich ist das die Universalfernbedienung Logitech Harmony 785 – denn auch, wenn die Programmierung (am PC, online) mitunter ein paar assistentenlastige Umwege erfordert, so ist sie doch unverzichtbar geworden, um den ganzen Gerätepark, zusammengefasst zu Aktionen, bequem mit einer Hand zu bedienen, überwiegend sogar “blind” durch Ertasten.

Und Blogmeier macht ein Blogparade-Gewinnspiel mit mehreren Gutscheinen bis zu 250€, bei dem man seine Weihnachts-Wunschliste nennen soll – nun gut, das ist meine:

  • Obige Gewinne; :)
  • Phil Plaits Death from the Skies! (ist schon beim Christkind bestellt);
  • das eine oder andere Objektiv für meine Canon 40D;
  • einen großen HD-Fernseher samt BluRay-Player und Filmen dazu;
  • ein paar Millionen im Lotto.

So, dann lasset die Gewinne kommen!

(u.a. via Alles2null)

Und ich muss auch noch schnell auf meine Blog-Parade “Musik des Jahres” hinweisen, da gibt’s auch was zu gewinnen (wenn auch nur 1-2 CDs). :mrgreen:

  1. Blog heißt bei mir “das”, und dieses “Der” gehört nur zum Titel ;) []


M27 Oh well, the 2 and the 7… This on the right is M 27, the Dumbbell Nebula (image: ESO (Wikipedia)).

27 is a cubic number – and a pretty one at that, 3³. If you start at 0 when counting Pi’s digits, 27 is found at location 27 – apparently a rare case.

27 is (in base 10) the first composite number not evenly divisible by any of its digits.

On January 16, 27 B.C., the Roman Senate votes Octavian the title of Augustus. He accepts this honor, having declined the alternative title of Romulus. He is known as Augustus afterwards – the first Roman emperor.

And this blog, too, is now running WordPress 2.7. As usual: If you notice something that’s not working as expected, drop me a line, please.

Blog carnival: Music of the Year 2008

Blog carnival Music of the Year 2008 Like last year, I’m conducting a blog carnival (what’s that?) in which I’d like to know which music you liked best this ending year:

  • Your song of the year?
  • Your album of the year?
  • Your live concert of the year?
    (Alternatively, if you weren’t at a noteworthy concert: Live album/DVD of the year.)

Preferrably, it should be new releases of 2008, but if you came across something older and like that more than any new stuff, that’s also okay. :) And I don’t mind if you write a little more about your choices, of course, but you don’t have to, a simple list is enough.

If you want to participate, write – as usual for blog carnivals – a post on your own blog (you can use the graphic above if you like) and inform me (and the other readers) via trackback/pingback or, if that doesn’t work, a manual comment to this post here; the carnival ends on 11 January 2009 11:59pm, and I’ll analyze the results afterwards, of course.

I’m curious to see what will be mentioned…

You can win something this time: If at least 10 people participate, I’ll raffle off a CD single “Say It’s Not True” by Queen+Paul Rodgers, if there are at least 20 participants, I’ll add an album (CD) by, you guessed it, Queen+Paul Rodgers “The Cosmos Rocks”. Incl. shipping within Europe, of course. Legal recourse is excluded etc.

» To the results

My own favorites are:

  • Song: A tough decision, but the winner is “Blind Man” by Black Stone Cherry – close runners up are AC/DC, Metallica, Mötley Crüe, Queen+Paul Rodgers, and certainly a few others I forgot now…
  • Album: Rest of Queen + Paul Rodgers: The Cosmos Rocks. What else could it be? Of course Queen is not the real Queen without Freddie, but it’s good music nonetheless – see my review.
  • Concert: The concert for the album. What else could it be? :)

I’m a gold expert!

When some time ago I extended my Premiere pay-TV subscription (the German pay-TV provider), I also got a cheap receiver as spare for a few bucks, and its package also included (all quotes translated by me):

  • A leaflet: “Voucher for playing lotto for free 4 times”.
  • An envelope with “A thank-you for Premiere subscribers”: A cell-phone offer.
  • An envelope with “For you as Premiere customer!” on it: An electricity provider switch service.
  • And an envelope “Expert survey 2008” from Bayerisches Münzkontor, a coin mail-order company.

The latter says:

We picked you representatively – your opinion is especially important to us. Our expert survey 2008 has the motto “Do you consider gold a secure investment?”.

Aaah yes, Premiere receiver buyers are representatively selected… Maybe they should use that text only for their direct mailings (which doesn’t imply that it’s necessarily correct then…); at least in the past years they did some mailings, see e.g. (in German) here or with other topics here.

Included was a questionnaire – “Opinion sheet no. 842/7452”, is that really a unique number? – with 8 questions such as “Would you invest in gold?”, “Should Germany, considering the current economic situation, sell parts of its gold treasures?” and “Would you consider giving gold in bars or coins as a present […]?” At least some of them, it seems to me, are likely to influence the advertising you’ll receive in the future.

The return envelope with its print “Important documents!” and a field for entering the date of arrival are probably “a little” exaggerated, kissing up to the potential customer…

A “personal thank-you package” is also available: A coin at a “preferential price” of 10€ instead of 49,99€ – for acquiring new customers, selling something below value isn’t uncommon, there’ll probably be nice margins later on for regular prices –, a collector’s box and a wrist watch.

And if you don’t read the fine print, you’re also about to receive, “as a special service”, more coins every month – at least this can be canceled and the coins returned at any time, they say, and that’s what one can expect anyway. Well, it should be known anyway that you have to read everything attentively… At any rate, you might be in for some advertising in the future, I guess…