Videos of the Week (2008/29)

Outsourcings from today’s “Links of the Week”, if you will – I don’t plan a regular category like this.

First, we got a cute letter opener:

(via Sebastian Schuster via Blogmachine)

Then there’s just about the coolest thing that Phil Plait has ever seen, as he says: The transit of the Moon in front of the Earth, taken by the EPOXI probe (you get other video formats there, too) from a distance of 50 million kilometers (31 million miles):

Blog recommendation award baton

Brillante Premio A mixture of baton, blog recommendation, and award, called “Brillante Weblog Premio 2008”, apparently made its way from the Italian or Spanish speaking world into the German blogosphere…

And in spite of the danger that an award that’s spread too far loses its value, I’ll join in and pass it on to other blogs – it reached me from Julia with the words (in my translation):

“Andreas/cimddwc must appear, too, of course, because he superbly takes apart pseudosciences, holds a great music quiz and in general competently deals with subjects I’m interested in myself.”

Thanks a lot!

However, I’ll modify the original instructions

The winner may show the logo on his blog.1 He must link to the person who gave him the award and may pass it on to at least seven more blogs. These blogs must also be linked to and notified about the award.

such that not only I’ll leave the notification to the automatic functions of the blog software (like others already did), but also make mentioning and linking (and passing on) optional – that is, you may just enjoy the award and do nothing yourself.

Basically, I could pass this award baton right back to Julia, for she’d deserve this prize from me, too – following the baton aspect, however, I’ll pick seven other blogs which (hopefully) didn’t have it yet… so these are the blogs I’m giving this award to (in (almost) alphabetical order; only two in English, though, plus one with many photos):

  • Bad Astronomy (redirects to his new home on Discover Magazine’s site) – Phil Plait about the beauty of the universe and science in general and the stupidity of various anti-sciences.
  • Begrenzte Wissenschaft – fulfilling his own description “About culture of science and science in culture: about connections, consequences, misunderstandings and intentional dumbing” (my translation) with flying colors. (But, yeah, it’s German, as you can see…)
  • Facing my life – with a camera, that is, with which Crosa takes numerous fantastic photos.
  • Friendly Atheist – the title should tell what this readable blog is about…
  • StoiBär – political and everyday stuff to the point.
  • Wirbelwebber – you could say it’s anything but a woman’s blog. ;)

And the newcomer prize, if you will, goes to:

So in this spirit, thanks to you (and many more bloggers) for your brilliant posts!

  1. But please copy it to your own webspace, if possible, and don’t hotlink it directly from here. []

Free VIP vacation!*

* No, not for you, sorry if you got that impression. ;)

Hörzu vacation: All free** The Hörzu, one of Germany’s biggest TV magazines, invites its subscribers (including myself – but for how long?1) to a VIP gala – with entertainment, live music, dance and midnight buffet –, combined with a one-week “exclusive VIP vacation” to the Turkish Riviera.

“And to this, we invite you at selected dates exclusively and for free!”

(My translation of a highlighted sentence.) In addition, there’s this printed note sheet in the top right corner, saying: “All free**: return flight, transfers, 5***** hotel, excursion program, breakfast buffet – **valid for seleced airports of departure and dates” (which actually is better readable in print than on this scan – cf. large view).

Now which dates are these, and how much are the others? What does the large table in the flyer tell? At least, the additional costs are given clearly enough, I think…

There are 22 available airports – among these only 2 minor ones in Rostock and Saarbrücken are free, the others require a 19-26€ surcharge. There’s a total of 255 dates in six different season categories from November 2008 to April 2009, only one of which – vacation start 8-19 Dec and 31 Dec–14 Jan – without surcharge, 40-145€ for the others. And during school holidays (depending on location), there’s another 50€ surcharge.

So the trip can cost between 0 and 221€, depending on the date.2 I quickly compared that to offers from some larger travel companies, and the cheapest ones I found were around 350€ for that region – so even in the most expensive case, this doesn’t seem to be a bad offer. (If someone disagrees and knows cheaper prices, please comment.)

In detail:
17 dates from Rostock or Saarbrücken outside of school holidays;
33 dates in the surcharge-free seasons;
Intersection: 3 all-free dates.
But also just 6 dates for more than 200€.

In the end, I think that only 3 dates that are really free – that’s 1.2% – are still a little poor to be pointed out that prominently – but, well, that’s advertising…

  1. I’m using it less and less (thanks to electronic program guides), and the occasional mysticism friendliness (in May the afterlife pseudophysics article, currently a too uncritical miracle healing series, more on that in the upcoming days) rankles me too. []
  2. Plus optional costs for single rooms (98€) and half-board instead of only breakfast (99€), but these always cost extra, of course. []

The search word poem

:hammer: Appropriately(?) for the 555th post on this blog, here’s a “poem” consisting of the words that were most frequently used in search requests leading people here in the past 16 days, sorted strictly in descending order by their frequency of occurence – I only added line breaks and punctuation marks:

You I to the—
And me
My, your a see!
In it for love
Want song, so
About baby, know
That what lotto be do

Make all can on
I’m is no come
Don’t hello ohne heart
Just like but got
If up never been
Dont take without one time
Say with i’ve Höschen

When we tell im long
Get have—
Will now give this
Girls break,
Are searching truth.
Most way go quotes
Difference gonna, honey,
Falling more

Youtube common
Tags genibus its feel…
Down roof,
Cup out nitito.
Wanna let
Good life!

A ghost scurries through the room

What an eerie snapshot I took the night before last – and it fits the topic of week 29 in Sari’s photo Projekt 52:

…i.e. without arrangement…

29: Snapshot

Week 29: Snapshot

Isn’t it uncanny how that ghost glides horizontally through the room in the house across the street?


:loll: Alright, it’s not a ghost (duh!), just a long-time exposure (25 seconds) with reflections of street lights and shop windows in a (dark) window while a car was passing by…

Here’s the full image with the window next to it:

29b: Snapshot