Now that the jackpot has been hit: Some little search and visitor statictics of the past two weeks (search queries (which I’ve translated) have a grey background (usually not in the feed readers)):
Which lotto numbers could I play?
All possible lottonumbers! Free choice, just pick six of the 49 boxes. But can the lotto number ability? Maybe. What wanted?
Can someone predict lotto numbers? Oh, I see. No! And over 1000 people wanted to know about that until Tuesday afternoon, before 1blu struck, and from noon Wednesday, when things were starting back up again, plus 150 interested about statistics and 80 looking for the “best” numbers, and the line between that and prediction dreams are certainly blurred. (Plus those that the analysis didn’t catch. And without 1blu’s foulness at the domain move, there would have been an estimated 400-600 more.)
But it’s impossible, neither lotto number astrology (by the way: abolish astrology/span> – I’m all for it) nor lotto number numerology (what is numerology? balderdash!) nor the useless global scaling/hartmut müller lotto prognoses help, just as lotto numbers from god or lotto numbers god would play won’t help, since he doesn’t interfere with gambling (German). 
The distance between the lotto balls, by the way, is often 0 in the drawing machine, since they are touching each other in there.
Lotto numbers what to do with all that money? With these little chances, I wouldn’t stress my brain with these thoughts too much, for in the end, it’s often enough like this: have 2 numbers plus additional number – and you won’t get anything for that.
…was, of course, another hot topic (about 1300x searchers (only?) according to analysis; not in Google’s index for some time) – some weren’t even able to spell it correctly due to their horny excitement:
aaguilera, agilera, agiliera, aguielera, aguiera, aguilaera, aguiler, aguileira, aguillera, aquilera, chistina, christine, kristina; wthout, withou panties, without pantanties.
The result of the search for Christina Aguilera anti web sites might also be interesting…
But pantilessness is en vogue elsewhere, too:
Birthday without panties and without panties on the Oktoberfest goes without saying, and, erm, Waltraud without panties – not you too, mother??
It gets really interesting with outdoors without panties and completely without panties, just be careful with without panties in winter, lest icicles form. Also valid with underwear if your answer to the question can men wear women’s thongs is Yes, and then the space is too small…
That’s almost all for this time. An important hint at the end: Don’t go looking for a toilet on the internet, that won’t help!
PS: Of age and interested in how the photo above came into being? 
Yes » show me! ▼
Alright, it was like this:
To get hold of women’s underwear as quickly as possible, I asked the next best attractive woman on the street. I had no luck with the first one – she’s a great fan of certain celebrities and imitates them a lot, if you know what I mean. Same with the second, she only wore a chastity belt. Its key, by the way, was held by the woman accompanying her, who in no case wanted to let go of her latex slip with “interiors” for even a minute.
From the next lady, I got this string:

This whiff of almost nothing was a little to little for this post’s headline, but her grandmother, who was also with her, could help out with the black thong.
The two wanted 50 € each for their underwear, what was a little too much for me just for so little fabric. In the end, we agreed on 170 € for both thongs plus, erm, additional services. 
‘kay, I admit it: It was all a lie.