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How do I label CD-ROMs customer-friendly?

At least, Canon has room for improvements here. Of course it isn’t that much of a hassle to maybe insert two CDs to get the correct one, but it’s anything but optimal…

Given that you’d want a particular language, which if these two “EOS DIGITAL Solution Disks” would you pick? Do you spot the difference?

Canon CD labeling
(Click for large view.)

Poll “Games” results

My little poll about “Do you play computer/console games – and on what system?” here in the sidebar on the right has been closed – there were 47 participants, three of which chose multiple options, resulting in 51 total votes. This is the result:

poll result Games

For the time being, there will be no new poll, I didn’t have a viable idea, and the sidebar is a little less cluttered this way, too…

Textual cat content

A JavaScript-animated dancing kitten in Ascii art [?] – here’s half a freeze-frame:

                                               ,  ,RRRRRRRRc
                                           ,,   cRRRRRRRRTCc
                                          ,,,, ,TRRRRRRRTCs,
     CRRRRRTc,,,,,         ,,,,,,,,    ,,,,   TRRRRRRRAaccc,
   cARRRRRRRRRRRa,   ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,   ,,,  ,RRRRRRRRRAac,cc,
   ,sTRRRRRRRRRRRATTs,,,,,,,,,,,, ,  ,,,,, ,CRRRRRRRACs,,cac
     ,CTARRRRRRRRRRRRRTc,,,,,,, ,,,,  ,  ,    sRRRRACc,,,sAs
     ,CCCTARRRRRRRRRRRRCc,,,,,,   ,,, ,,,     ,csaCCCc,,,aAa
     ,asccsCTARRRRRRRRTacc,,,,  ,, ,        , , ,,,cc, ,c,,
     cACc,,ccaCARRRRTsccc,,,,,, , ,         ,, ,,,,,,,,aTc
     sRTc,,,ccaTRRAacccc,,,,,,,,,,,  , ,,,,,, , ,,,,,,cCTc
     sRAs,  ,,csssssccc,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ccc
     ,sCTa,  ,,ccsccccc,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ccc,
         ,saccccccc,,c,ccsARRC CRRCc,,,,    ,,TRRRRRAc,,,,,cc,,,cc
       ,TTacc,,cccccccccsTRRRRRRTsc,,      ,        ,,ccccccc,
       ,TTasc,,c,,,,,,,,csCTRRRRsc,,               ,,ccccccssc
     ,caTCascc,,,,,,,ccc,,,,,sTac,     ,sCc,,,,,,,,ccssccsas,,
     cAATCacccc,cc,,ccccccc,,,, , ,,,  ,TAa,,,,,,,,,caTCacc,
           ,cc,  ,,,,ccccssccccc,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ccc,
         ,aCc,, ,,,,,,,csassccc,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ccc,c,

See the whole kitty on this Russian page (you can change the text size in the select box). If I interpret Altavista’s translation correctly, the title means “for dear friends” and the text “Watch it when you’re sad… remember the best” or something like that.

(via Bastie.Silke via Bloggerei.de)

Scissors help copyright violation and must be forbidden

As you know, there are laws in many countries forbidding the circumvention of copy protection/DRM functions – thus often standing in the way of sensible, basically allowed use of already paid products by honest customers, putting them down as criminals – and letting them preferrably pay multiple times –; the actual dedicated pirates, though, are hardly held back.


Wellington Grey now has a nice little presentation about the consequences of applying this stupidity to physical objects instead of media data, with the example of a CD-ROM sleave’s silly seal, the breaking of which would result in accepting the contract that’s contained on the CD inside


(via Wil Wheaton)