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Now what was it?

Another typical 419 scam – with just enough oddities to justify my commenting it; I removed some boring parts lest you fall asleep… I underlined the most noteworthy parts.

Subject: LETTER! – Sender: Commercial Bank


>From the Desk of:
Mr. Victor Odili

I am a Manager of a bank,

Which one? Couldn’t make up your mind this time? Man, those spammers are becoming lazier all the time…

writing you in respect of a foreign customer whom made a US$25M depository for an investment program that has remained dormant for years now. On personal investigation, I discovered that the account holder died in Ukrainian aircraft crash, without making a WILL on depository. I have secured from the probate an ORDER OF MANDAMUS to locate any of deceased beneficiaries

All occupants of the car unfortunately lost their lives.

Now what – aircraft or car? :lol:

[…] I contacted you to seek your consent to present you as the next of kin to the deceased since you are a foreigner so that the proceeds of this account valued at US$25

You scumbag! You already grabbed $ 24,999,975 for yourself!

[…] If this proposal is acceptable by you, I expect that you will not take undue advantage of the trust I would bestow in you. I await your urgent response.

Thanks with great regards.

Mr. Victor Odili

Oh, a fraudster hopes not to fall victim to a fraud? Ha ha ha. Well, it’s irrelevant anyway, since the morons who seriously reply to mails like this weill never see anything of the promised millions.

The full life story?

Peace Khalifa 2a The third part of “Peace Khalifa’s” dating and 419 scam mails, with my comments added…

Part 1: Teassting
Part 2: Hopping to hear from you

This mail included two (pretended) photos of her (see on the right and in the middle), plus two gift basket/cake/flower product images of a company offering things like that (not displayed here) and a kitschy fluffy-pet-with-roses drawing with rainging hearts (bottom of this post)…

The subject line already screams at you:


It may be your longest mail, but way too short for a full life story. Well, got its advantages, too, since I don’t want to break my database with the pretended life of a scammer…

Hello dearest ,

Shouldn’t there be a name between blank and comma? You don’t take too many efforts, huh?

I am more than happy in your urgent reply to my mail.

Had you read it, you wouldn’t be happy.

How is your day? hope all is fine. Mine is a little bit hot over here in Dakar Senegal.

Yeah, smalltalk, weather, blah blah. Not uncommon for Dakar to be warm – you got nothing interesting to report?

In this camp we are only allowed to go out only on Mondays and Fridays of the weeks.Its just like one staying in the prison and i hope by Gods grace i will come out here soon.

God’s grace? Then you’ll stay there forever… or do you want me to help you?

We don’t have any relatives now whom we can go to

“We”? You are more than one scammer? Or pluralis majestatis? Haa haa haa.

all our relatives ran away in the middle of the war the only person we have now is Rev.Emmanuel George who is the pastor of the (Christ for all Churches) here in the camp

Strange kind of emphasis… and strange church name.

he has been very nice to me since i came here

Really? Even though you’re a woman? :twisted:

but i am not living with him rather i am leaving in the women’s hostel

First you write “living” correctly, than wrong…

because the camp have two hostels one for men the other for women. The Pastors Tel number is (+221_76_33_16_344) or (+221-76-841-85-92)

Can I also use +221-76-33-16-344 or +221_76_841_85_92? But gotta check first if my phone got a “_”. (Will two different men answer the phones? Is that the reason for the “we” above?)

Peace Khalifa 2b if you call and tell him that you want to speak with me he will send for me in the hostel. As a refugee here i don’t have any right or privilege to any thing be it money or whatever because it is against the law of this country.I want to go back to my studies because i only attended my first year before the tragic incident that lead to my being in this situation now took place.

Please listen to this,i have my late father’s Deposit Certificate and certificate here with me which i will send to you latter,because when he was alive he deposited some amount of money in one of the leeding bank in Europe

You mean a bank in Leeds? Or a leading bank – now which bank would that be? C’mon, do some research, you lazy criminal!

which he used my name as the next of kin,the amount in question is $3.8 million us dollars

Only? Other scammers were more generous.

So i will like you to help me transfer this money to your account and from it you can send some money for me to get my travel ling documents and air ticket to come over to meet with you.

Pshaw! Once I got your money, what’d I need you for? Oh, right, this money transfer advance-fee fraud started as a dating scam, I forgot.

I kept this secret to people in the camp here the only person that knows about it is the Rev rend because he is like a father to me.

Then watch out that he doesn’t steal it from you! How can that reverend afford two cells, huh?

So in the light of above i will like you to keep it to yourself and don’t tell it to anyone

No, don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone, as you can clearly see. ;)

for i am afraid of loosing my life and the money if people gets to know about it. Remember i am giving you all this information due to the trust i deposed on you.I like honest and understanding people,

Then you must be hating your own guts!

truthful and a man of vision,

I’m seeing clearly enough to see through you. Well, doesn’t take much, though.

truth and hardworking.

Working hard? Me? :loll:

My favourite language is English and i speak English very fluently.

I’d actually prefer if your English had more mistakes. In this mail you even didn’t include a big funny mistake such as “teassting” or “Hopping to hear from you” in the first two mails. You’re disappointing me. I guess I’ll end our relationship now.

Meanwhile i will like you to call me like i said i have alot to tell you.

Call? A cell phone for at least 13.50 cents per minute when a landline call would be only 7.80?? I’m not made of money!!!

Have a nice day and think about me.

Hard not to think about you when I’m writing about your mail, duh! But I’m almost done, and then I’m happy to forget you, bitch!

Awaiting to hear from you soonest
Yours in love,

Peace Khalifa 2e If you’re interested in the next (rather boring) mail that deals with the actual money transfer already, check (bottom).

(Back then in April 2007, it was one different cell phone number for the “reverend”, not these two above, by the way.)

PS: If you, dear reader, happen to own the rights of these photos that the scammers used: a brief e-mail is sufficient and I’ll remove them. Or do you know the actual source?

The poor dogs!

Decapitate dogs!

Décapitez votre chien s.v.p.
Bitte enthaupten Sie Ihren Hund
Please decapitate your dog
Decapiti prego il vostro cane

(Or are these sings that are painted on the ground in Villeneuve at Lake Geneva just telling you to leash it…?)

Sep 2008

Hopping to hear from me

Peace Khalifa The continuation of “Peace Khalifa’s” love scam mail with the strange word “teassting”, or more precisely, “her” second mail – the subject was:


jump - by Video, please! Even though your bust size doesn’t seem that large, I’d really like to see you hopping in order to hear from me. Oh, is your ear clogged, and you’re trying to get it free this way?

Or do you mean the harvest of hop? You’d be at the perfect place here in the Hallertau! So hurry up, the hopping is almost done!

Hello my Dearest.
My name is Peace from Liberia in West Africa ,5.3ft tall, dark in complexion,(never married before )

Texts in parentheses often are used to give an explaination or reason for the text before. So your being unmarried is the reason for your dark skin color? Now who would have thought that…

and presently i am residing in the refugee camp here in Dakar as a result of the civil war that was fought in my country.My late father Dr Wilson Khalifa was the personal advicer to the former head of state before the rebels attacked our house one early morning and killed my mother and my father in cold .It was only me that is alive now and I managed to make my way to a near by country Senegal where i am leaving now.

And where are you going now? Or did you mean “living now”? And, well, I think it’s amazing that you managed to take your modeling photo with you – most people had rather thought about more important things.

I would like to know more about you.Your likes and dislikes,your hobbies and what you are doing presently.

A hobby that I’m also performing right now is making fun of spam and scam mails with writing and/or translation mistakes. What I don’t like: Criminals like you.

But I thing that you are not really that interested in these things, you just want money.

I will tell you more about myself in my next mail.Attached here is my picture and I will send another picture in my next mail.I will also like to see your picture.

So you can see what that moron that fell for you looks like? Do you scammers collect such photos as trophies, like some scam-baiters do with specially arranged pictures (with signs etc.)?

Hoping to hear from you soonest
yours in love

And, as already announced last time, there’s already the hint that one is supposed to help the “poor fugitive child” to transfer her inherited fortune out of country. But before that, there will of course be fees to pay, fees and more fees, and you’ll never see anything of the promised millions, since that’s just the way these scammers work.

And it’s not the first time that “she” is perfoming this stung, already last year “she” was active with basically the same text using the first name Sandra (though the first mail seemed to have been missing)…

PS: If you, dear reader, happen to own the rights of these photos that the scammers used: a brief e-mail is sufficient and I’ll remove them. Or do you know the actual source?

» Part 3: The full life story?

A hard choice and an error

Before we start with the photos, two web finds from my Montreux trip:

train schedule bookmark


Dear customer, [male and female]
Thank you!
Your team of
All information without guarantee

Note to self: There’s no use bookmarking the train schedule information that can be reached from the travel information/booking site because they produce this informative error message (with page title “error”) later on. Sep 2008

choose your internet access


Please make your choice:
24h unlimited access to entertainment and internet: 0 CHF
24h internet access: 0 CHF
1h internet access: 0 CHF

A hard choice for picking the internet access options in a Swiss hotel (with intenet included in the room price)… should anyone really prefer the third and default option?

Sep 2008

By the way, the hotel – the Eden Palace – also offered dozens of movies and music albums for free, accessible via the TV that was extensively equipped for such hotel use (and even greeted me by name1 when I first entered my room) – however, it was a relatively small CRT model, no flat screen.

  1. on the display only, of course []