Links and Video of the Week (4/2009)

  • Pacman as text adventure (via Nerdcore). It looks like this:
    You move west.
    As you move you are eating the food pellet in your way. It tastes delicious.
    There is a shrieking noise echoing through the maze.
    You are in a passage leading from west to east.
    In the EAST you can see some delicious food 4 steps away.
    There is a crossing to the east 1 step away.
    In the WEST you can see some delicious food just 1 step away.
    There is a junction to the west 2 steps away.

    Luckily, there’s also a little map.

  • The entire new album Sepultura, A-LEX, can be played online (warning: no volume control in the online player; via biotechpunk).
  • David Letterman’s “Top 10 things I will actually miss about Bush” (via direkteingabe):

C’mon, take a toe

Ausschau haltend Just like last year: Welcome to the latest edition of “replying” to search queriesSell me your soul, And Ill bring you power!

For those who don’t know yet: These search phrases, highlighted in grey, led people here, and I neither shortened nor extended them nor made them up, I just translated the German ones.

c mon.. take a toe
What for? I got 10 toes of my own.

Verena Wriedt feet
She, too, most probably. But who’s looking at her feet?? Why?

whore shoes
Ah, that’s why. Well, who cares. But fine, just keep searching if you mean to.

stars without pantiesimages
What would stars need panties images for, anyway? Maybe because of:

I knew you were wearing women’s underwear
What, me? No. How did you get that idea?

bought my boyfriend a thong
Firstly, I’m not your boyfriend, and secondly I’d recommend you buy him a men’s thong! He’ll certainly like that better, given that he says himself:

i male like to Wear Thongs
So enjoy. There are hundreds more, you know, as my old (still open) poll shows.

fuck-questionnaire to tick
There you are (multiple selection allowed):


View Results

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when you marry in a mars year
…then you’re married. And you’re married one year earlier than if you wait until next year. So what?

uri geller season 3
Whoa, take it slow, season 2 just started! And given the bad ratings, I somewhat doubt there will be another season next year…

make-all-your-wishes-come-true quantum*
I wish that quantum physics will no longer be abused by wish and other mysticism crackpots – but that’s one of those wishes that’s never gonna come true, I guess.

got 1 lotto number right in each row
Had that too some time ago. You won’t win anything, though. Especially not today’s 25 million jackpot.

get lotto numbers by random
The drawing machine and the balls do that quite well each Wednesday and Saturday, I think…

25 january lotto 2009 clairvoyant
Let me do that: These numbers will be drawn:
– – – – – –
(No drawing on Sundays, you know…)

lotto numbers who were not included
…always are really sad and would prefer a “49/49” lotto.

i am a scorpian – get me 6 nos. for playing lotto
Hey, not that demanding, search engines like politeness, too! But what’s that astrology hogwash supposed to do about lotto anyway?

What I know you don’t have to believe; you can research everything by yourself, too.

34th day of the year mystical
What’s supposed to be mystical about February 3? There’s not even a lotto drawing!

curses and their symptoms
One symptom: You’re googling for it. Or for:

mystic-the angels attributed to the sun
And yes, that’s very mystic.

telepathy with the afterlife
(1) Telepathy doesn’t work. (2) There’s no afterlife. (3) Both combined will work even less.

naturopathy barcode
Barcodes are anything but natural.

Oooh please say it’s really happening….Please oh please dont wake me up if Im dreaming, I could stay here forever, right here…in this moment.
i like you so very much that’s why I gotta wake you up. —
That’s kinda weird, kinda weird… I think so you have your own world to fix, now don’t waste the time, it’s ends, or… perhaps now it’s already late.
Hey, may I get my word in, too?

prayers are not heard
Then your thoughts are too quiet!

Ufo Reportagen auf Germen
Germen? Where’s that?

Did you mean: Einsmilefürdich?

Even without an ass it’s getting dark as the night comes down.

I hope, she fries, I’m free If that beach dies
Beaches are quite robust, they won’t fry dead that easily. (Buffy, too, actually, and you, Spike, don’t really want her to die anyway…)

Finally again a few entries for the topic “What neither proper URLs nor proper search queries look like”: you want to get to know
www doche   xex kom
yor. porn. come
www. ani is at uri
www.does god know the lotto
www.My song .de

Jesus, I’m tired. I’m so fucking tired. You know how tired I am? If a girl came up to me and begged me to fuck her, I couldn’t do it. That’s how tired I am.
Quite a long list today, wasn’t it? So get some sleep, bye, that’s it for this week. And remember: 400 years 400 years aaaaa – erm…

Photo: Coka –

Hear Ye the Prophecies for 2012

whisper Hear ye these words spoken by Me, thy Propfet, to thou seeking knowledge, on this mystic Friday full of answers (20+12+2)×42 days before the big date which is 21 Decembre 2012 on 11:11 UTC, time of the Winter Solstice at the end of an epoch of yon notorious calendar which hath been named Maya Calendar:

  1. Indeed foolish is he who believeth that nothing will happen. ‘Tis many a thing that is going to occur: People will die, people will be born, there will be many an accident, the Earth will shake, and much much more.1
  2. Many people will start on their Christmas vacation on yon Friday before ye Christians’ special day.
  3. Certainly mysticism dreamers and cranks, the number of which will not be low, either will expect the End of the Worlde or a Rise of Consciousness, the Ascension to New Spiritual Dimensions – some alone, some in community with their likes at various festive gatherings.
  4. For consciousness, know ye, is quite a subjective matter, certainly many will at first rejoice and believe that something changed for them indeed – though when they will notice in the days to come that this was not all that great after all or that there was nothing there from the very beginning: it is then that they will rather doubt themselves, doubt their spiritual responsiveness and doubt the maturity of their souls, instead of considering how far from Reality they were lost in their abstruse reveries.
  5. This, too, will be the right time for resourceful Profit-seekers and the dreamy Believers, ye who will write more guides and almanacs for every-one who hath not been raised and who hath not ascended, just as they have written and will yet write for 2012, after nothing grandiose hath happened before in 1999/2000.
  6. And they will explain in their books that they alone know why nothing grandiose hath happened; and the number of different explanations will rival the number of those who explain.

Anyone dareth contradict??


See also: Questions and answers about 2012 (at Nasa)

Photo (original): scol22/sxc

  1. Like on every other day; and you can expect at leasr one earthquake of magnitude 5.0 or higher every day anyway. []

The B-side of the Day (23.1.)

Singles The second post in this little series about relatively unknown Queen songs, this time “I Go Crazy” – » unofficial still-image video here –, B-side of the “Radio Ga Ga” single that was released today 25 years ago, on 23 January 1984.

It contains somewhat funny lyrics with self-references:

I took my baby dancing – to see a heavy band
But I never saw my baby ’til the encore
She had the singer by the hand
So I ain’t gonna go and see the Rolling Stones no more
I don’t wanna go and see Queen no more no more

Postman, gas man etc. as rivals would still be okay for the narrator, but that she left him for a rock’n’roller?? — See the entire lyrics at LyricWiki.

And if you also want to see the video of the “slightly” better known A-side: This way. Or take the extended version (unofficial video) right away.

An alien on the lap!

Paging unsuspectingly through the latest issue of bild der wissenschaft (German popular science magazine), what did my eyes see in an article on astronomy history: Galileo has drawn an alien on the lap of a man (with face mask?) – on the moon! Don’t believe it? See yourself – on the left the original drawing (from Wikipedia)1, on the right with colors so you can see it more clearly:

galileo-moon galileo-moon-color

Or what are you seeing?


( :loll: Yes, of course that’s only a joke! — See “pareidolia”.)

  1. the one on the lower left corner, rotated by 180° as in the bdw []